Chapter 15 Part : II

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I Can't Win ...

Solange P. Knowles

We walked around 'Forever 21' , Chris and Julez went to FinishLine. " So, she's the one constantly calling his phone? " I asked Bey. She nodded, " You should've told me that earlier. She was gon' need help off the ground too. " I said. " Solo, chill. " Bey laughed. " She's jealous cause I have what she wants. " She said, before putting her items on the counter. " Hello, will this be all for you today? " The worker asked. We nodded, " mama. " I turned, seeing Julez running to my side. " Wassup. " I said. " Uncle Chris got me new shoes! " He said excitedly. " You are spoiled rotten. " I told him. After Beyoncé grabbed all of her stuff, we headed back out. Chris was tryna keep a low profile. He had on dark shades, and kept his hood on.

" Babe, you look like a creep with those shades on. " Bey giggled. He gave her a toothy grin, making his adorable dimples show. She walked into Kids Footlocker, with Julez. Chris and I sat on a bench, in the main strip. " Soo.. you gonna tell me what's wrong? " I asked him. I mean, this is the first time we've interacted since the whole fight. He sighed, " I was just angry, after the whole thing. " He sounded frustrated. " That nigguh fucking slow, " he started. I could see the anger building up, in his eyes. " I know right, " I added. " But, just be cool. As long as Bey's straight, just chill. " I advised him to do. He nodded his head, " I understand.. " It got silent for a moment. " You know she, sometimes, come up with these crazy question. Asking me, what do I see in her. " He explained. " This dude, got her feeling some type of way about her self. " He said. " She was with him for so long, though.. She loved him. " I hated the fact, of admitting that. " But, why would you hurt someone, that loves you? " He asked. I just shook my head, my sister didn't deserve him.

* * * * *

" Julez, stop cheating! " I yelled, grabbing at his controller. " I'm not cheating, you just suck mom. " He laughed hysterically. We we're playing Street Ballers, and he was kicking my ass. Chris stuck his head inside of the room, " Solo he's murdering you right now. " I gave him a death glare and he laughed, " I'm sorry. But how could you let him get so far up? " He asked. Julez had 32 to my 17, and I only had that because Chris got me to 10. " Shut up, I suck at this. What time is Beyoncé coming back? " I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders, " honestly, art shows are at least an hour and half long. " He sat at the edge of the bed. I sighed pausing the game, " you guys hungry? " I asked them. " Yes! I was thinking, baked chicken and brown rice. " Chris said.

" Uh, are you gonna help cook? I don't like all the bloodiness. " I asked, folding my arms. " Sure, " he stood up. " Julez, get finish whooping yo mama's butt. I'll be back. " He said, walking out of the room. " Com'on ma, unpause the game. " Julez pushed the button on my controller. He brings the ball down the court, passing it to his teammate, and slam dunk over my player. " This is so not fair. " I complained, but he continued laughing. I heard my phone buzzing rapidly, on the night stand. I paused the game again and answered the phone, " Hello? " I spoke into the receiver. " Hey, babe. How's your trip going? " Daniel's smooth deep voice made me shutter. I missed my husband, " it's going good. How's work? " I asked him. He sighed, " work is work, as usual. Where's Julez? " He asked.

" Hold on, " I put the phone on speaker. " Julez say hi to your Dad. " I told him. He quickly put the joystick down, grabbing the phone. " Hi Daddy! What you doing? " He asked. " I'm chilling right now, lil' man. You miss me? " Daniel asked. Julez grinned, " yes, but I'm having fun with Uncle Chris and Aunt Bey. " He told him. " Who's Uncle Chris? " He asked. " Beyoncé has moved on from Jay. She is currently dating Chris Brown, the singer. " I told him. " Damn, Bey done moved on up haven't she? " Daniel said, sounding surprised. " Yea, she gets hounded by paparazzi sometimes. It's crazy. " I told him. " Wow, tell Beyoncé I'm happy for her. I have to go, sweetie. Work is calling. " He said. I sighed, " alright, love you. " I replied. " Love you too, Solo. " I could picture him smiling. " I love you, Daddy! " Julez yelled. Daniel laughed, " love you too buddy, bye. " He hung up the phone.

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