Chapter 6

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Beyoncé G. Knowles

I sat on the couch, in the middle of Ciara and Chris. " Michael. " Kheri whined. "What girl? " Tyga had said, " heyy. " She giggled like a kid. Chris laughed at her, " girl, yo laugh is outrageous. " he was high. I looked at him while he laughed. I couldn't believe, he wanted me. Like, what's so damn special about me? I'm a normal ass human, just like everyone else. Now him.. he's everything. I can't even lie, he's amazing. Who would've thought that Chris Brown would be interested in me. " Bey, why you looking at me like that? " He said. I finally snapped out of my thoughts, realizing that I was staring at him. " ... just thinking. " I told him. He smiled, showing his perfect teeth.

I couldn't help but smile, " Don't be looking at me like that. " I told him. His eyes were roaming everywhere. He is seeing me at my worst, right now. I didn't wear makeup today, so my freckles were showing. My natural skin color is so pale, and nose was turning red from crying. " Why not? " He asked me. " 'Cause, I look awful and your just staring. " I said. " You're still beautiful Bey.. " He smiled at me.

I blushed, " you speak your mind, when your high huh? " I asked him. He nodded his head, agreeing with me. " That explains a lot. " I said, laying on Ciara's lap. " Bey, you're okay now. Please get yo bighead ass off of me.. " Ciara groaned as she slept. Damn, did she just say I have a bighead? " Unh-uh bitch, Imma need you to wake yo grumpy ass up. " Kheri told her. Tyga and Chris were laughing, while I was still holding on to my head. She just said I have bighead. " Bey, you're head is kinda big though.. " Chris looked at me, with a stupid smirk on his face. " Shut up. " I said, getting up. " What time is it? " Tyga asked. " Almost 11. " I said, grabbing my keys.

" Where you going? " Chris asked, looking up at me. " Home.. it's been a long day. " I sighed. He stood up, " Alright then, I'm out. " He told Tyga and Kheri, standing beside me. I laughed a little, " Christopher.. where do you think you're going? " I asked, looking up at him. " With you, Bey. " He pulled me closer to him. " Oh shit! Iight, I see you Breezy. " Tyga was cracking up. Kheri shook her head laughing, " Mhmm.. alright then Bey. " She said. I placed my hand on his chest, " I don't think so, Chris.. " I said. He poke out his bottom lip, " but Bey.. " he pouted. I giggled at his cuteness, " noo, Chris.. you are going home. " I told him. He grabbed my hand, leaning in to whisper " I want you, Bey.. " .

His light breathing against my ear, was driving me crazy. I fought the urge to let him come with. So I whispered in his ear, " trust me, you wouldn't be able to handle this. " I smiled, biting on my bottom lip. I walked out of the house, and headed to my car. Once I started it up, I realized that Chris big ass truck was blocking me in. I dialed his number as it rung, everybody was coming outside. He ran to my door and opened it, " you changed your mind or something? " He grinned. God this boy is so persistent, " no, your truck is behind me. " I told him. He looked back, " Oh yea.. my bad. " he laughed. " Mhmm.. goodnight, Christopher. " I smiled, running my hand through his short, curly blonde hair. He leaned in, inches away from my face.

" Goodnight, beautiful. " He bit his bottom lip, smiling. I blushed, looking into his deep brown eyes. He looked at my lips then back at me, " Chris.. " I softly spoke. He kissed my forehead, " I know, Bey.. " He said. I nodded as he moved, and shut the door. He finally moved and I began my drive home. I turned the radio on, hearing " Good Luck Charm " by Jagged Edge. I sung along with the song, " I got so much love for you in these arms. Don't you know that you're my good luck charm. " . My phone started ringing so I turned the music down, and saw it was Kheri. " Hello.. " I answered. " Mhmm.. what's going on between you and Chris? " She asked. I shook my head, " nothing.. He just likes me. " I told her, grinning from ear to ear. " Girl, I bet you got that big ass smile across yo face, right now. " She said. Damn is it in my voice?

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