Chapter 3

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Fuck It

Christopher M. Brown

" Nigguh, why yo face all twisted up and shit? " Game had asked me. I just sat back and tuned him out for a minute. Like damn, I ain't even know this girl for a whole 24 hours, and I'm tripping. I sat back, and lit the blunt that Tyga had rolled a few minutes ago. As I inhaled the smoke, I felt my " fuck it " character coming out. I pulled out my phone, seeing I had 2 text messages, and a bunch of mentions on twitter. It was the girls from the dance class. I hit the blunt hard, my second time and passed it to Game. I opened the text ;

(407)-993-1000 ; Hey Chris , it's Andraya . Feel like giving me a quick massage? (;

I shook my head. She was dead ass serious about that shit. I laughed, as I started to reply back.

- I mean, it's whatever with me. Sure you could handle it?

Andraya - Idk. Let's find out ..
1234 Jackson st. Be here in 20 minutes.

- Gimme' 10 .

I quickly texted back, grabbed my shirt from off of the couch. " Awe , Chris. You gon' tap out on us early? " Tyga had asked. I'm surprised he noticed me, with that girl all on his lap. " I gotta go , hit up some'. " I told them. " Oh, I see you Breezy. " Game chimed in, on the conversation. He gave me the blunt, " Here. This for the troubles you gon' have, tryna get outta that trick house. " He laughed. " Man, whatever. " I said, taking a puff. " Hey, do you know my friend? " The random girl, on Tyga's lap had asked. " Who? " I asked. " Beyoncé. 'Bout 5'7 honey blonde hair. " She described her perfectly.

I felt a smile spread across my face. " Yea, Bey's a cool chick. " I told her. " Mhmm.. well iight, that's all I wanted to know. I'm Kheri, her bestfriend. " She had introduced herself. " Nice to meet you, love. " I told her, smoking the blunt. I started to walk off, but stopped. "You wouldn't mind giving me her number, would you? " I asked her. My eyes started getting heavy, and my words started to mash together. Yupp, my high was coming on. I gave her my phone, and watched as she put the number in. " Thanks. " I smiled. " No problem. " She waved bye once again, before I left.

When I walked past Beyoncé, she glanced at me with those pretty hazel eyes. I simply smiled, and headed downstairs for the back door. I felt a tap on my lower back . When I turned around, it was Dior and Kia. " Heyyy, Chris! " Kia laughed hysterically, and started twerking on me. Dior pulled her, " girl stop being ratchet and shit. " She told her, then smiled at me. " How you doing? " She asked me. " I'm doing good, sweetheart. " I chuckled. " Wanna have a drink? Or three . " She let out a laugh. I shook my head no, " actually, I'm headed out right now. So no thanks, ma. " I turned down her offer.

She said, or three. Tryna get me fucked up, or something. She laughed kinda spooky anyway, so I ain't fucking with it. " Okay then, bye. " She obviously was pissed, but eh I don't give a fuck. I continued out the door , and into my black Cadillac truck. I put on my " In My Zone " mixtape, and jammed to No Bullshit . Yea, you could say I'm a tiny bit conceded. I lit up the blunt as I drove down, Lexington Av. The city lights, and palm trees were extravagant. I love every piece of this.

" don't you be on that bullshit. " I sang along with the song. I laughed at myself, and took a pull from the half joint I lit. This loud got me on some totally different. I came to a halt, at the red light. My phone started beeping, so I checked it. Andraya's name had popped up, ;
- 14 minutes? "/ ..

I just sat down. As the light turned green, my phone beeped again. This time, a text from Melanie had came through. Gazing at the road and back, it said ;

- Heeyy , daddy ; ) lml

I shook my head, girl must be drunk. I hit her with that " wyd? " and continued focusing on the road. I finally made it to Andraya's house. It was a greyish-blue color. I hopped out of my truck, locked the doors, as I headed towards the front door. She opened the door before I got the chance to knock. " I see somebody's ready. " I laughed. She smiled, and pulled me into the house. Immediately closing the door behind me.

" Andraya, before we do this, I'm not tryna be in no kinda relationship. " I told her, as she pulled my shirt off. " That's fine. Just give me what I want. " She said , kissing the tattoos on my chest. My phone had started ringing, " Hold up, ma. " I said before answering. " Hello? " I spoke. " Is this, Chris? " The soft female voice asked. " Yea, this is me. Who this? " I questioned. They laughed softly, " ... it's Bey. " She announced. I immediately, pushed Andraya away from me.

" Uhmm.. how did you -" " Kheri told me she gave you my number. So I had to get your number from Jacion. " She told me. " Game let you call him that? " I asked surprised. He wasn't the one to let strangers call him by his first name, like they were cool. " He's the one that told me to call him that. " She told. I could picture it, Game was all up on my girl. Well not technically my girl but, I knew her first. Therefore she is mine. " Wow. Anyways, what you call me for? " I asked her.

Andraya started getting frustrated , " Chris, baby. Com'on! " She whispered loudly. " Well, I called to tell you I'm sorry for being so defensive. I know , my attitude is very bad but ehh .. " She laughed. I could picture her smiling now. I felt my cheeks getting hot, knowing I was grinning like hell. " Ughh. Just leave. You act like you don't even fucking see me sitting here! " Andraya got upset. She stood up, and threw my shirt at my face. " You can exit, sir. " She told me.

" Uhm.. who's that? " Bey laughed, hesitantly. I couldn't tell her the truth, " Uhm.. Nobody. I'm dealing with something. " I lied. " Oh, why you just didn't tell me that? You could've called me back or something. " She had asked. " Because, I was gonna miss you. " I laughed, knowing that was some corny shit. She laughed, " Whatever, Christopher. " She said. I put on my shirt, as I walked out of Andraya's house. " Did you just say my real name? " I asked her. " Mhmm. " She giggled.

" Well, I guess you can call me that. " I said, starting the car up. " You guess? Nigguh, I know. " She said. She was being way too nice, I wonder why. " Like I said, I guess Bey. " I laughed at her, on my way back to my Condo. " What you doing? " I asked her. I heard her yawning, " nothing, just laying down. " She spoke softly. I checked the time , it was 12:47pm . " Bey, is you sleeping or something? " I asked her. " Hmm.. no, why? " She asked , yawning again. " Well, because we've been on the phone for about 10 minutes and you haven't gotten an attitude yet. " I joked with her.

She faked a laugh, " haha.. you're funny Chris. " She sounded like she had dozed off. I finally reached The Plaza, and let the valet go park my car as I headed up to my Condo on the top floor. " Beyoncé ... wake up sleepy head . " I whispered through the phone. I'm high as shit, so this is funny to me. " Hmm... Jay, leave me alone. " She mumbled. I got a little mad, but I she wasn't mine. I just brushed it off, " It's Chris. " I dryly responded to her. " ... I hate you ... stay away from me. " She groaned. Either I was too damn high, or just tripping. I decided to take my yellow ass to bed. " Goodnight, Bey. Sweet dreams , love.. " I told her before hanging up.

Once I got into my room, and sprawled out across my bed. My night was over, with a blink of an eye.

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