Chapter 16

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September 1, 2014

Christopher M. Brown

" Chris Brown! Where's Bumble Bey? "
" How's the kid, Julez! "
" I heard you fought her ex! Is it true? "
Karrueche's been talking alot, lately! "
" Who is Andraya?! "

The paparazzi flocked around me, as I made my way into a recording studio. I was meeting up with Tyga, to work on a new album. When I stepped inside the cool bulidng, I was greeted by a smiling receptionist. " Hello, Mr. Brown. " She said politely. I gave her a little smile as I made my way into the studio. When I opened the door, I heard Tyga working on the song " Hookah x Young Thug ". He stood up and I dapped him up, " What's good, kid? " He asked. " Shit. Just been chilling with Bey, and working at the studio. " I filled him in. We haven't seen each other in about a month. He shook his head, grinning, " Beyoncé got you hooked. " He said. I shook my head vigorously, " whatever man. Wassup with my lil' man, King? " I asked him.

" The boy is getting bigger every day. " He said, smiling to himself. " You still talking to Kheri? " I asked him. He shook his head, " man.. Bey didn't tell you? " He asked. I had a puzzled expression written across my face. " Tell me what? " I questioned him. " She might be pregnant.. " When I heard that sentence, my mouth dropped. " Damn.. " I said, shocked. " That's not even the worse part.. It might or might not be mine. " He leaned back in his chair. Damn, I wonder if Beyoncé know. " She had came over the other day... Eyes all puffy and red, so I knew she had been crying. " He explained. " She told me she was late... but, she's been with some other nigguh too. " He scratched his head. This is some crazy shit. I'll bring up to Bey, later on.

He played around with a couple beats. I nodded my head, " I like this one. We should get T.I. on this track. " I suggested. " Yea, that would be dope. I'll hit 'em up, later on. " He said. My phone began to ring, " hold up, it's Lela. " I said, before stepping out into the hallway. I answered the phone, " Sup Lela? " She sighed, " Chris, what's this I'm hearing about you fought Beyoncé's ex? " She asked me. I could sense she was frustrated, " It's a long story, I'll tell you about it later. " I muttered. I cursed under my voice, how did anyone find out about this. " Christopher, you're finally a free man. Don't screw yourself up again, or it's back to rehab. Or possibly jail, with this nigguh pressing charges. " She rambled on. I hate when she lectures me, " Lela, just meet me at my condo around 8. " I said before hanging up.

I let out a frustrated breath, then went back inside the studio. " What did Lela want? " Tyga asked, when I sat down. " I fought Bey's ex bought a week ago. Now somehow the story got out, and she's on my ass. " I told him. " Bruh, what you fighting nigguhs for? I thought you was gonna chill. " He said in a serious tone. " I'm good. But when I was gone, he had been over there. He kissed Bey, and her sister and him was fighting. " I explained. He shook his head at me, " He knocked her out, and she ended having to go to the hospital. I came back, after the show. " Tyga looked at me, " seems like you're gonna have another case. " He said, rubbing his head. This shit is rediculous. Trouble always seems to find me. " Anyways.. Beyoncé birthday is coming up and I need her to lay down these vocals. " I told him. " Just have her come up here. We can do that, and I'll send it all over to you when we're finished. " He suggested.

I nodded, pulling up Bey's number and texting her.

- Hey, beautiful. Come up to the studio on West Av.

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