His Princess...........Chapter 20

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HELLO MY LOVELY READERS!!!! haha. so, im now on my Christmas break, BUT my school still wishes to torture us even when not in school. So, ha-ha, lucky me gets to do an 10-12 page reaserch paper on a crisis in Sudan called 'the Darfur Genocide' in 2003.

You heard of it??

Anyways, so i have to be working on that as well. But my dears, i will set aside time for you. thats a promise! So, good day and hope you enjoy this chapter! :)


(Emilyn’s P.O.V)

Time froze on me.

My life stopped.

My heart stopped beating.

Okay, so maybe it wasn’t that drastic but I definitely did not like this turn of events.

“Darling! Please leave the room. I want to talk with our newest guest, for you know we rarely get any guests here.” Vicky motioned to the door and the guard complied not before giving her a stiff bow. I tried to see if he would glance my way but he never did. For some reason, my heart sank.

“Emilyn,” purred the only voice that would make me ever think murderous thoughts of killing someone.

“Vicky.” I replied stiffly back.

She sat down on the bed smoothing out the red dress. She glanced up at me and those malicious eyes found mine. I wanted to cower in the corner, or under my blankets.

She just stared at me.

I started to get uneasy so I blurted out, “How are you still alive?”

Vicky seemed a little surprised at my random burst but put on a sickly sweet smile. “Miss me, did you?”

Not at all.

When I didn’t answer she continued on. “See honey, when you all left I left too.”

I frowned. “You never followed us. We would have noticed. We did a head check in the tunnels, and we never counted you…”

She waved her hand dismissively. “Darling, I did leave but in a different way.”

Something clicked. I scooted away a bit, “You’re th-the black monster th-thing!”

She stared to laugh, “Oh darling! You have some of the weirdest conclusions! I am not anywhere as ugly as the Jiju, and if I were to take you-well, that’s another story.”

A weird feeling crept up my stomach, “Jiju?” I whispered. I had heard of them. They were of the olden age, before the world had been blown apart. Long ago before my life became all weird and people I loved gone, my professors had called the age before nowadays the ‘old modern age’.

I remember them teaching us how this age had people all over the world. They had things called ‘cars’, transporter things that would take humans anywhere they desired. The ‘old modern age’ had lots of interesting things.

But, my professors told us the reason that this ‘old modern age’ was not around was because of the struggle for power, money, and tyrannies. The countries of the world struggled to become the top person, but before long they decided that if they killed a country then that was one less power to worry about. So it began. Everyone killed everyone. Nobody was safe. People in their own countries killed another.

Until, it got even more drastic that bombs were dropped. Things called ‘Atomic bombs’, which my professors said had enough power to wipe out an entire city and cause harmful ‘radiation’.  Out of these mass destructions, and these bombs mixed with people’s desires and wishes created monsters.

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