His Princess.....................Chapter 21

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Hey, ladies! ....wait are there actually guy members on Wattpad? I guess there could be. I think I just have this assumption that every member on here is, well a girl. I think my assumption is wrong. But oh well!

Hey ladies (and if a man is out there reading this then hello), enjoy reading this interesting P.O.V.


(Zander’s P.O.V)




Those were the only major things that registered to me as I slowly opened my eyes. I blinked my vision into focus.

Everything was blurry. It was difficult to distinguish anything at the moment.

After a moment, I realized that I was lying down on my side with my head in some ditch.

Might want to try sitting up.

I couldn’t help but let out the groan as I forced myself to sit up. I started assessing all my injuries. I felt my gums were sore. I think I broke a rib. I moved my arms and it felt fine. I moved my legs and I might have sprained my left ankle. I winced, that wasn’t going to be fun.

That’s when I noticed the red color on my hands.

Frowning, I inspected them closer. Not color…blood.

As if on cue, my head started to pound.

I slowly reached my hand up to find my hair all sticky wherever I touched around. I licked a couple of my fingers, so there was not much blood on them, and then I reached up and fiddled with my hair. My hands confirmed my suspicions.

More blood caked on my hands from my head meant I had suffered a head injury.

“Who knows how much goddam blood I lost?” I swore out loud.

How long was I out?

The sky was a clear blue sky. I took in my surroundings now.

A castle lay all torn apart and in ruins in front of me. Part of the earth had come open so that it looked like tons of empty holes lying all around me. I noticed a tree had fallen on a guy next to me, at least the leg sticking out under a tree next to me made me think that. It looked like some nasty giant’s playground. As far as my eye could see, everything was damaged in some way.

Also I tried not to notice the dead, stanched human smell that filled my nostrils since I was awake. The smell of rotting, dead humans all around me. Signs of blood were evident here on a grass patch or by a tree or around a crater hole. The smell made me want to gag and leave, but with my leg hurting as it was… I couldn’t really move.

I used the fallen tree next to me for support, not fully grasping the scenes around me.

A fallen body in front of me with its head barely holding onto its neck was hanging by a branch on a tree. Blood was still dripping out of the open neck and down. A body part of a leg lay randomly thrown to the side with the shoe gone and the pair of socks still on. Another body lay on its back.

I stumbled weekly over to it. Nothing seemed wrong. Maybe, he might still be alive just waiting to be woken up. When I got over there, I noticed why he wasn’t moving.

His head had lolled to the side and sticking out of his eye was a stick thin branch. It punctured deep enough because his eye had now turned purple, and the blood dripping out had stopped so that it looked like a painting of blood. It made me puke.

His PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now