His Princess................... Chapter 19

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Hey sorry for forever waiting on me! I had Thanksgiving break, then some big finals, then my grandpa got put in the hospital (he's recovering). Alot of you sent me messages, so im just clearing it all up, now. thanks again for waiting for me! :)


(Emilyn’s P.O.V)

I winced in pain again.

The two maids currently working my hair were doing a horrible job; they both kept fumbling with my hair strands and tugging on it hard so it hurt. Plus, the dress they had me in was a thin, silk dress, and this Castle was pretty cold. So as I get to shiver and freeze my hair is getting tugged into some “nice” formation.

“Ouch!” I cried as one of them tugged a strand backwards to form a braid.

She winced. “I’m sorry, ma’am!”

I smiled tightly. At least they were trying to be nice about it and not mean.

I studied them closer. They were both blondes and kept silent as they worked on my hair. One had freckles dotting her nose and some on her cheeks, and the other had a very tight face of concentration which was pretty funny to look at. Her nose was all scrunched up and she would occasionally stick her tongue out.

Except every time the girl with the funny face would speak, it reminded me of another blonde headed girl that had died for me.

I sighed and tried to block out those memories again.

But… it was too difficult.

I could still remember everything and everyone. The blonde head that had helped me escape from the castle only to watch her die. That guard of mine who had been so loyal and he only died in the end. A lump formed in my throat. I closed my eyes. Reminiscing about the past would bring nothing but grief and regret. I would find another time to remember. Right now, I have to get ready for I don’t know what.

Yank. “Ouch!” I frowned and even though the girls might be nice the yanking could be stopped. “Can I ask who trained you?”

I wasn’t trying to be mean, in fact that was far from what I wanted. But, I had gone through such pain and misery that I was fed up with everything. ‘Screw everything!’ had become my motto ever since the bright source in my life had died. And these girls were sadly going to have to take the full brunt of my anger because I knew it had been slowly rising but now it was about to be unleashed.

“Ma’am? I uh, we are sorry, but-”

“But what? You girls really need to understand how to take care of someone’s hair! And on top of that, if I am a so called ‘guest’ I want good service? Is that clear? Because frankly, I’ve been through a lot, and I don’t have time to hear you say you’re sorry and what not!”

They both stared at me through the mirror, their faces mirroring sympathy. “Ma’am,-”

“I don’t need your sympathy, okay! I’m fine, dammit!” I breathed hard and closed my eyes. When I opened them again the girls were gone.

I sighed and rubbed a hand over my face then stopped. The makeup they had applied would probably wash off if I rubbed my face. Which is why make-up is pointless!

How are you darling?

Oh Mollis! I really had missed her, I needed her. I was so lost, confused, terrified, angry, and plain mad. I wasn’t sure what was what anymore.

It’s okay, darling. Everything will be okay, I’m here.

I felt tears well up and screw make-up. I let them fall. I let out everything. Mollis kept soothing me with words and I thanked her for it. Finally I felt my sobs stop and turn into hiccups and I felt myself shivering. I wrapped my arms around myself.

Honey, go sit on the bed.

I picked myself up and dragged myself over to the bed. I plopped underneath and drew the covers over me. The warmth was instantaneous. I could feel it all around me now, and I sighed and stayed there. I heard my door open, there were mutterings then I felt a presence at the side of my bed. I kept the covers up, “Y-yes?”

“Her majesty would like to see you.” A stiff, emotionless voice stated above me.

I opened my eyes underneath the covers. So that’s why I had to get all decked up! I closed my eyes once more feeling embarrassed at my state now. “Tell her I don’t want to see her now, please. Maybe later?”

A pause.

“Her majesty would not prefer that. I suggest you obey now.”

“No,” I replied stubbornly.

“You really should. For,-” there was a pause and the guards voice dropped to a whisper. He started speaking with a sense of urgency. “-your own safety, go! The Queen does not appreciate lateness. I am not sure what she will do if you’re late, and I rather hope you don’t have to find out!”

Now I peeked my head a bit out of the covers, not before dragging the covers over my face so that at least I wouldn’t have make-up smeared all over my face before I faced the guard. “Why would you want to help me?” I whispered as I stared into his soulful brown eyes.

He winced. “Please, Princess. Nobody here wants anything bad to happen to-,” he froze and I faintly could hear footsteps, I think. “Her majesty is arriving. Prepare yourself,” he replied back to the stiff, removed, and emotionless guard that had first appeared.

For a couple seconds, I tried to decipher what the guard had been trying to say.

“Oh, good you’re awake. Delightful! Honey, please leave.” I turned to the voice. No!

The woman removed her cloak and smiled at me. Worry for Zander and my sadness was replaced with a growing sense of fear. My heart started to pound faster. My breath in shorter gasps. I thought she was dead! She had never come out of the castle! This couldn’t be happening.

She approached my bed, looking impossibly perfect. Her blonde hair styled perfectly on her head with a blood red gown, and with what looked like small patches of red circles? Weird designs, but overall, she gave the impression of a hard leader, a stern leader, and one not to be questioned. As she always had…

“Happy to see me, Emilyn?” Vicky’s voice whispered.


Did anybody anticipate this??

sorry about it being short! gotta go! THANKS AGAIN! SORRY FOR WAIT AGAIN! <3

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