His Princess..............Chapter 24

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Hey! Sorry, this was one difficult chapter and with school it was kinda hard. But here answers some questions that many of you messaged me for. :D enjoy


(Emilyn’s P.O.V)

I slowly blinked my eyes open and immediately wondered where on the earth I was.

It was a dark, brown landscape that surrounded me. Dead flowers were numerous and were never ending as they stretched all around me. I squinted and it seemed as if this garden of dead flowers never ended. It just kept flowing, as if it was some sort of immortal garden. As I slowly and shakily rose to my feet, I noticed that I was still in the dress, and that a writhe of fine white mist coiled around my feet like snakes.

I stepped around and saw that wherever I moved the mist followed me and coiled around my legs. Curious, I bent down and touched it. My hand went right through the mist, as I suspected, but it was warm. The mist wasn’t cold, but soothing warmth like a fireplace warming numb fingers.

I frowned and pulled my hand out. No matter how interesting it was, something was wrong.

How did I get here?

I bit back a scream as I heard my own voice echo as if it was spoken out loud. I frowned. But I thought that, I didn’t speak it… “Hello?” I tried to say instead, it was as if my voice was gone. I could only open and close my mouth. I tried to scream but no sound came out.

I closed my eyes and counted to ten. This time, I tried speaking using my thoughts.

Hello? I questioned timidly, and was still surprised- but not as scared anymore- when I heard the echo as if I had said my thought out loud.

A sudden thought hit me. Audire, Intellectus, Mollis! I shouted out in my thoughts hearing my own voice resound repeating my words in a frantic, panicked voice.

There was no answer.

A feeling of utter desolation and completely lost, surrounded me. I sank to the ground. The more I thought about it, no matter how stupid and how much I hated all three of them- well maybe Mollis was the exception- it only hit me right now how much I needed them. They were always with me. Keeping me company. Helping me. And now? They were gone. The feelings of loneliness and desolation entered my heart. I didn’t try to push it out.

Zander, my rock and shield, was gone. And now, even if I hated to admit to their faces, my three supports were gone too.

Tears were dried up within me. I felt dried up. My emotions felt barricaded behind a stone wall. I tried to make myself cry and feel something, but I guess my emotions had been toyed with far too long that they created their own protection. So now, I couldn’t even cry when all I wanted to do was cry my heart out. Life was not fair.

 One moment, life was as good as it could get, and now life was as horrible as it could get.

Then another thought hit me.

SHE was still alive.

I groaned and buried my face in my hands. I don’t need her to be added onto my emotional roller-coaster list! I shouted out, frustrated beyond words.

I sighed and let my hair cover my face, hoping that my hair would shield me from the world. From the hurt, anger, pain, and forever emotional daggers that kept trying to hurt me. When will I be free?

Emilyn? A soft hesitant voice whispered across to me.

My heard jerked up in recognition and my whole body went tense. I knew that voice. Anywhere. Anytime. For the rest of my life. I stared around me seeing nothing. Frowning, I started to wonder if I really did hear something…

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