His Princess............Chapter 23

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HERE IT IS!  TA-DA! it isnt in Emilyn's P.O.V though (*snicker). gotta keep u waiting. Here is Zander ;) enjoy. OH AND I HAVE A NEW BOOK OUT!!!! YA YA YA! just look at the end of this chapter for more :DD


(Zander’s P.O.V)

I gritted my teeth when I finally sat down.

The damn head hurt like bitch.

I heard some mutterings but then something was wrapped around my head, and I felt some heat coming in front of me.

I opened my eyes and saw two other men. Only two. Wow, we had lost a ton of guys! My heart stung a bit at the thought, but I smiled and nodded at them, “Hey.”

The replied back, before we all were just sitting and staring into the fire. My head pounded again and I swore.

“Do you guys have anything for head injurires?”

They all shook their heads. “The doctor died back there. We got nothing. Sorry, sir.”

I nodded my head and acted like I was okay. NOT! They have nothing! Of course, it seems wherever I get stuck I have nothing, absolutely nothing. It’s just my luck. I’m sure if there is some invisible force that they totally planed this to happen to me. They’re probably laughing their butts off at me. And these fellow guys.

I hunched down. “So…” I started.

“Yes..?” One of them replied, he had curly hair, and his eyes looked dark in the fire.

I sighed and rubbed my hands, blew on them a bit, then stuck them near the flames once more. “We-,” I took a deep breath. “-need to find the Princess.” I tried to let the emotion not show through.

They all grunted agreements. “Dicapro, here,-” spoke a bald guy. “- we sent him back since he is the least injured among us, to find weapons, people. Anything. He came back with you. So maybe tomorrow we might send him out again to find anything.” The bald guy rubbed his head with no hair. I found that a teensy bit amusing and bit down a smile.

Dicapro nodded. “Yea, they were too injured. Elson with a leg injury,-” he paused as the guy with curly hair nodded to me. “-and then Ament Hugh with a hand injury.” The bald headed guy nodded his head. “Then we found you, Zander. Well, I found you, and I guess we could find the Princess, but the question is where is exactly to we start?” He questioned rubbing his head, as he shot me an apologetic look.

I closed my eyes. “Okay. We all saw the Princess last by the remains of what was once Sir Arlington’s Castle, right?” Heads nod. “So, the only place I can think of starting is right there. There has to be some sort of clue or evidence we can find.” I glanced at the men around me and winced a bit at my injury. “And maybe we could find some medicine for us all.”

We worked out a bit longer what it would strictly come down to. Me and Dicapro, seeing as that we were in better shape than the other two, would go back out there and see if there was anybody else and begin searching. When the sun was a quarter from its peak, Ament Hugh and Elson would come and meet us. We would keep searching until the sun was a quarter of its peak from sundown, and then we would set back to camp.

I wish I could say more about following trails and capturing those who stole Emilyn, but I couldn’t do that. I could only hope for the best that we found her.

The guys didn’t have an extra padding for sleep. But since Elson had the leg injury, his padding had been cut up to help bandage. Turns out, they had wrapped some around my head too. Elson decided to not have anybody else use his so he would use his. Dicapro suggested that I share his because we would be heading out together, and that Ament Hugh use his own since him and Elson would follow later.

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