His Princess............ Chapter three (picture of King Hallaway)

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 Thank you to my first fan Karlafr!!!!!!!!!!! that means alot.

"Rise and Shine and wakey wakey! Lots to do! Things to see and- AHHHH!!!"

I woke up with a jolt at the sound of the scream. Freaking out, I stared around my room only to see Zander lying on the floor. I giggled until I realized that he was not going to move. 

"Z-zander?" I questioned still a bit giggly.

No movement.

"Zander?" I was a bit more serious. When I got no answer I crouched down next to him and rolled him over, and when his eyes didn't open I proceded to start slapping his cheeks.

"Wake up you double headed, egotisical,-" I started when he grabbed my hands and rolled me under him.

"Good Morning!" He chirped blissfully unware that he was squeezing my wrists to tight.

"GET OFF!" I only managed to scream considering I was stuck under him, and he is not light.

He sat up and stared at me while I stood up and dusted myself, then curled back up on the bed to sleep because I had been disturbed from my-

"Hey! Nope. No more sleep. Get out!" Zander said dragging me out of bed while I miserably tried to clutch at the sheets.

"Help!" I screamed. "Help!"

Nobody came.

We have guards for nothing, I thought miserably. I mean, they should come if I scream 'Help' right?

"Your daddy wants to see you."

Those six words made me freeze, and allowed him to drag me to my feet. My "dad" never spoke to me anymore after mom's death. Yea, there was the occasional comforting hug or the random conversations for a while. Heck, I thought that we would be closer. I mean even when mom was alive we were'nt exactly that close. But we were closer than these days.

Now we only spoke if it was for pulic meetings, political meetings, or at our eating times. Sometimes, I would have the chef keep my food warm after a meal so I could eat in peaceful silence rather in awkwardness with my dad.

Quite frankly, I stopped calling him dad a while ago. Which reminds me...

"Zander, how many times must I tell you that we don't call him 'dad'", I said putting quotes around 'dad'.

Zander shurgged. "Just doesn't seem very fair to me to do to him." At my questioning glance he stepped forward and cupped my head in his hands. "Emilyn, I understand that its difficult for you because of how he seems to not care for you. But you also have to realize that he is probably suffering too."

I scoffed. "Oh really?" I pulled my head out of his hands and walked to where my window was. Pulling aside the curtains, I sat on the window seat and pulled my knees close. I felt Zander sit across from me.

He put a hand on my knee and rubbed it gently in circles. "Hey, I am not disagreeing with you that he needs to be a better parent, but he must be suffering a little bit-"

"No he isn't." I cut him off and stared at him. "If my dad cared a teensy little bit, why the hell did he marry freaking Victoria only two months after my mothers death?" I questioned him feeling the usual anger rising to the surface as I remembered.

If my dad had any heart at all, why would he re-marry only two months after mom's death? Not to mention that Vicky would never replace my mom. She hurt me in so many ways. I shivered a little.

Zander stood up and came to sit behind me, wrapping his arms around me. I sighed and laid my head back on his chest, closing my eyes. My human shield...

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