His Princess..............Chapter 18

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Hello again, everyone! Next chapter is up! Enjoy and love it. haha. By the way, happy Halloween! :D what are YOU planning on being for Halloween!?

Does anybody watch the Regular Show? Anybody seen the episode when everyone is telling scary stories, and (in Rigby's story: a halloween story) Rigby throws eggs on this house because they wont give him candy, and then the old man living in the house turns Rigby into a house just so he can throw eggs on Rigby? Well in that episdoe Mordecai was a father with these fake kids and earned candy x 5. because he had 5 extra kids with him? (Am i making any sense at all? Nvm i'll let you read.)

Goodbye and good reading.


(Emilyn’s P.O.V)

I groaned and managed to blink my eyes open.

My eyes were still a little foggy and my vision still weak from sleeping. I managed to sit up not without feeling sore all over my body. I felt like I had gone through a hurricane or something. Then I remembered.

Earthquake, man-spirit, dying, Zander. Zander. I looked around my room as my heart started to beat faster. I saw light red walls surrounding me with an old fashioned brown door standing slightly to the left of my bed, to which I noticed my bed was dark red. Other than the little drawer next to a full length mirror in the room, it was bare and empty.

I was brought here, somehow. I must have been. Because if I remember correctly, which I most probably am remembering correctly, I was going to Zanders lifeless body when the Thing came and I tried to kill it.

I winced, maybe not the smartest idea to something so deadly and powerful looking, now that I reflect on it.

Then I felt my heart ache as I remembered Zander’s body. As if on cue, my chest started tightening and tears came into my eyes, making my vision go strikingly clear for a split second. They poured down. I hoped against hope that he wasn’t dead. That he was coming, that he was alive, but I had a nagging suspicion that I was terribly and utterly wrong. Yet, I knew that if he were to die, I would have felt it.


I questioned myself. I mean, I feel so close to him that if he had died something within me would die with him. Or else everything within me would die. I didn’t feel that way, yes I felt the pain, terror, fear, and worry for him and the ache for him, but I didn’t feel like he was dying.

Mollis? Audire? Intellectus? Are you guys still with me?

There was some silence for a few terror stricken moments before Audire’s voice filtered through.

Do not worry, Emilyn of the fata-Semitam. We are fine just uh-

We’re fine. Just a bit tossed about. Being inside your brain and experiencing what we just went through is quite an ordeal, and it would be much appreciated if this were to never happen again? Thank you.

I laughed silently at hearing Intellectus’ voice.

Dear, we are always fine- to which Audire and Intellectus decided to interject on her point-Boys shut-up! Now Emilyn, are you fine? How are you doing?

I smiled, that’s why I loved Mollis. She felt like such a mother and caring figure. Not that I really ever remember one, it’s just if I could I would have Mollis as one. Yea, uh fine.

Alright then. Get ready, and remember whatever they ask you keep your guard up.

I knew Mollis didn’t accept my reply, but I didn’t accept her reply because I was too confused.

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