His Princess....................... Chapter 7

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Here you go :) School has started so, it might be harder to upload. But, i will strive to keep this moving!


I yanked the tube out of my arm, yanked the sheets and bolted onto the floor on my bare feet. My entire motion caused the monitor machine to fall over and shatter causing so much noise that the door opened and Zander walked in casually until his face became something other than normal but that was not my priority at the moment. Currently, it was running away from my dad. Actually I wasn’t sure if it was my dad, I think it was an ‘it’.

I tried speeding towards Zander by flying down the middle of the aisles of beds.

I heard a gurgling noise and shifted my head back real quick to see what would eventually scar me forever. What had been my ‘dad’ was now a lifeless skin form lying on the floor. Now, there was a hideous black spirit form that emerged from my ‘dad’s body.

 By now, I had hit panic mode. I was full throttle screaming and running as fast as my little legs could carry me to where Zander was. All I had was a couple feet left between us.

Zander seemed to be frozen to the spot. As if, he had never seen something like that behind me. He took a couple seconds before snapping out of it and booked it to the door, grabbed my hand just in time to yank me through before the throng of guards, which I hadn’t noticed before, slammed the door shut.

My breathing became ragged as I sagged against Zander. He gripped me to him tightly as if afraid I might disappear. Frankly, I needed a hug like this at the moment. I doubt I could support myself after-well whatever just happened!

“Too close,” I heard him whisper against my head.

Then he did something he shouldn’t have done. Zander kissed the top of my head. Not that I didn’t enjoy the kiss, but he did something illegal. He knows we are a private thing! He knows what would happen if anyone else saw. I mean he better or there is some serious talking that we are going to have to have.

At the same moment that thought crossed my mind, Zander seemed to have realized his mistake, and quickly covered up for it. “Imagine if I would have to go searching for another job! Thank God, you’re not dead then, huh squirt?” He ruffled my head.

I was too physically, emotionally, and everything drained to glare at him for calling me squirt. Instead, I just nodded my head. I tried to process what had just happened. One of the main thoughts was where it would have come from. Then I wondered about my dad. Did that thingy enter bodies or something? Control them? My head started spinning so I closed me eyes.

At least, whatever the hell just happened is over with, I thought.

A guard shouted in surprise and all of us looked to see at the bottom of the door -where there is a space so the door can swing open- a black cloud starting to form then it started seeping through and all around the door in its cracks. I scooted back into Zanders arms my mind starting to fear the worst.

Zander started yelling, “Everyone run! To the gates, lock down procedure from there, then underground to the main road. Let’s move! Somebody grab packs along the way!" Then he turned to face me, "Run hard."

He then grabbed my arm and dashed forwards leaving me to try and keep up with his speed which was way faster than me. But, after hearing a slight noise behind me, energy I never knew I possessed came and I flew after Zander with the guards running in a formation around me and Zander.

One of the guards stumbled and then he screamed.

I paused to see if I could help when I saw the black cloud, which must have come from behind the door, float over the screaming guard who looked as though he was trying to move, but was somehow paralyzed. Then something similar to lightning happened and the guard stopped screaming. After a second, his body was tossed out of the cloud, hit the wall and laid motionless on the ground. I wanted to help, but it looked as though there was no more hope for him.

So I ran harder.

We somehow made it outside with only two more men going down after the first man.

The thing was that each time the cloud went over a guard it slowed down, so by the time we made it to the gates and had to lock it, we had some extra time on our hands. We had enough time to bolt the gates and set the castle on lock-down-procedure, for if anyone was inside they would know what to do.

There were many exits all along the castle. Either in hallways, bedrooms, or anywhere there was always one escape door that would lead to the underground tunnel which was where we were heading.

I couldn’t help but think of everyone possibly still in the castle. The chefs, the maids, my bedroom, the garden, the nurse who had helped me, Ajijad, the other guards all around the castle because about twenty guards is not all the guards, Vicky whom I really hope doesn’t get out. Bad thought, but who cares? Then I thought of the King-

Zander snapped me out of thinking by pushing me towards the underground tunnel. I stumbled after everyone as we raced to the opening.

It looked like a small wedge in a rock from afar, but if you were to touch it, it would change into a keypad that still blended into the rocks. All, the guards are trained to know every single code for every emergency so I knew I didn’t have to worry. But I still felt it.

The guard got it opened in three seconds or less, then shoved us all in. The entrance closed behind us.

At first it was pitch black. I couldn’t see a thing. All you could hear was the ragged breathing of our group. Then some voices were heard before light filled the place. It was lit by one candle which in turn lighted all the rest after it.As if it was some sort of Domino effect.

I had never been in here before, and now that I was I in wanted to get the hell out. It was lined by dirt, a huge tunnel that seemed to have no end. It was large and wide enough to fit five people side by side. It was cold and damp down here making me shiver involuntarily.

It was then that I also realized that I wasn’t in normal clothes like all the rest, with a pair of pants, shirt some had jackets, but I was still in a white hospital gown. Everyone else was warm but me. How convenient.

Slowly I felt my energy draining. All the energy that had possessed me while running was gone. My feet gave way and I fell to the ground.

Immediately my vision started to swarm and my head started to hurt.

“Are you alright, Princess?” Someone said. I think I knew the voice, but I was too weary to try to decipher who it was.

“Uh-“, I felt blackness crawling at the end of my vision. Maybe a quick nap wouldn’t hurt. “-I’m just going to close my eyes real quick, you know, get some energy after all that entertaining stuff we did.” My voice got lower and lower until the end was a whisper as I gave way to the blackness.

I felt my body give way and the last thing I heard was panicked shouting.

But I was too far in to come back.


I think this counts as a somewhat dramatic pause :)

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