His Princess................. Chapter five (pic. of Ashyln)

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I wanted to make the suspense wait longer.. but I couldn't resist writing the next part! haha.... oh well. :D enjoy!


I slowly opened my eyes trying to register everything around me. I blinked trying to get my focus and bearings together. The last moment that I remembered was trying to sneak away then I blacked out. I frowned. At least, I think I blacked out. I don’t know for certain…

The room was white and beige with the accent wall to the right of me being white. The room was very long and wide containing many other beds all the same color and shape as the one I was in.

Pure white, Sheets included. 

I moved my arms to stretch when I felt a tug on my right arm. I brought it for inspection and found a tube on my arm leading to a plastic bag sitting at the top right of my head.

A clip-clop sound made its way to my ears as I turned and saw a Nurse walk towards me with a clipboard in her hand and her hair wrapped up in a bun with a white tie around her head.  She had those square rimmed glasses that were perched on her nose. She looked like a late thirty year old lady.

“Hello, Princess Emilyn. How are we today?” She asked in a sweet voice gently looking at me as she stopped at the foot of my bed. Her glasses slipped down her nose a bit and she swiped the glasses up her nose.  She had these bright green eyes that stared you down, yet there was compassion and gentleness in them.

 “Fine, Miss.”

She nodded as she proceeded to write something down then checked my arm. “What do you remember?” She added a bit more after seeing my confused expression. “About getting in the hospital room?”

“Oh, that.” I said chuckling a bit

She laughed. “Yes, that.”

“Well I-“I paused. I couldn’t exactly tell the Nurse what happened since eavesdropping is not something that you tell people that you do. “-I was in the Garden when I heard a noise, I think it was a bird. Then I thought of leaving since I started to get really tired and then… uh…I don’t really know after that, Miss.” I felt bad about lying to the nice lady but part of me was telling the truth when I said I didn’t know anymore. My brain froze right there.

All this time, the Nurse had been scribbling away on her clipboard now she looked up at me. “I see. Would it help if I brought in the person who found you on the ground? He brought you here and good thing he did. You have had some minor scrapes on your legs and arms with a couple bruises. Then you got a needle badly wedged in that right arm. Turns out, it was a goon berry bush; the bush gave some of its toxic juice to you through the goo needle. Very dangerous, but your safe now. It’s out of your system, but it’s always good to be safe! So, I would say that you can be out of here in about one hour. How does that sound?” She scribbled some more on her clipboard looked at my arm then at a monitor screen and without waiting for my reply continued on. “So, I am going to bring in the young man, I think he was your guard? But anyways, you’ve been out for about 4 hours now. It’s well into the early morning. I’d say one more hour and the sun will be up. Aright then, I’ll send him in, Princess.”

And she walked away.

My mind processed what she said. I’m clumsy. I allowed a small laugh when the door opened at the far end and in came my savior.

He ran down and gripped my hand. “Are you okay? The doctor said you’re going to be fine. But how do you feel?” He rushed the three sentences out into one.

I laughed. “Zander, seriously, I’m fine. But-“

“But what?”

“-But you have some explaining to do, Mr.”

Realization flashed in his eyes. “Okay, okay.” He grabbed a chair, which was white, and sat down. “By the way, no more sneaking like that. Do you understand? I saw you there when I left.” He flicked my forehead.

“Ow!” I muttered rubbing at it. “I already have cuts and bruises do you really have to give me another!”

He smiled. “Now you know, don’t do it again. Simple.”

I glared. He smiled. I huffed. He rolled his eyes.

“Here we go,” Zander muttered.

“First, I had my reasons. You buddy boy, you were off talking with her. Second, what am I supposed to think watching this happen? Third, you could have given me some sort of-“I paused to wave my hands around in the air for emphasis. “-communication words of what you were going to do!”

He raised his eyebrows in amusement. “’Communication words of what you were going to do?’”

I frowned.

He laughed, and then started talking really fast. “Okay sorry. Now my turn, don’t ever sneak out and try to figure out something like that again-“.

I cut him off. “You already told me that, and flicked me for it. Look I have proof.” I showed my forehead.

 “Shut-up, I’m talking no interrupting. Anyways as I was saying, Vicky almost saw you! If she did, wait. Here the reason that we ever talked in the first place was Vicky approached me and-“

The door to the hospital ward opened up behind him stopping him from continuing. I was going to murder the person that came through the door. When I saw the person though, all thoughts of murder were gone. I was confused, happy, scared a bit, and plain ‘What the heck’ feelings going through my body at once.

I blinked just to make sure, but that only made the man come in farther and walk towards my bed. I could tell that Zander was just as surprised as me, but instead of ogling the man walking with his mouth open like me, he stood up and nodded to the King. His highness nodded back and Zander offered his chair up like any good gentleman would for their King.

My father shook his head and smiled. “I would prefer to stand. Thank you though. “My dad paused a moment. “Would you give me and Emilyn some uh-time alone please?”

“Of course, your highness,” Zander shot a quick look to me, and I returned it by giving him the ‘this-is-not-over-yet’ glare which emitted a smile from him. He bowed, “Your Princess.”

I scoffed.

I could tell he was trying hard not to laugh as he exited the room, but that’s when it finally occurred to me that my dad was here. With me. Next to me. In the same room as me.

Oh big baby sugarlumps.


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