His Princess...................Chapter 6

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So here you go! LOVE YOU ALL!


The tension inside the poor hospital ward was practically unbearable. After the last conversation with my father, we ended pretty angrily and both of us were shouting at the other person.

On top of this, my emotions were a rollercoaster. I just wanted to lie down and sleep them all away or take a shower and wash them all away. Sadly, I lived in reality. Part of me just wanted my dad to hold me, cuddle me, and tell me that everything would be fine. Vicky would leave and mom had never died, but that she had gone on a trip. Or that this was a nightmare that I had been having, and I would wake up to see my mom. Another part wanted to kick him over and over and over for never being there, for abandoning me, for leaving me. Now all of a sudden, my father decides to come and what? Pay me a visit?

Newsflash, we haven’t been talking for the past five years since mom died and now it’s okay to just barge on back in my life. Did it take him five years to realize what he was doing to me?

Every girl wants their daddy’s attention whether they express it or not. There is always a little part of me that always strived to do everything perfect in his eyes. So perfect, that he would say with pride ‘that’s my daughter’ and look at me with such pride. I had always dreamed of those days. But after mom’s death, I knew that it would never become a reality.

Those dreams faded along with what our relationship used to be. Not that it was anything spectacular before either. Before, it was okay. Better than now. We would talk, he would play with me, and we would go to the park. More I think about it, the relationship was amazing. We would talk.  That is the main point seeing as nowadays when we talk it involves shouting or being completely angry with another. Or we simply stare at one another and exclude the option of using the mouth.

I could feel a part of me just wanting my daddy back. I felt like telling him right here and now ‘daddy come back.’ But something within me stopped me. I could feel it on the tip of my tongue ready to slip out, but something was holding me back. I was not sure what it was, but it was something.

I tried investigating what the ‘something’ was. But at the moment, all I could feel was that something was wrong. Not right. I was feeling that one random moment when you could almost see or tell that something was out of place. I was going to place this not-right feeling to my dad starting to talk with me.

He sighed bringing my thoughts back to what was happening in the present. My dad ran a hand through his grey hair and brought his eyes up to mine. We held each other’s stares for a while. Nothing was spoken. My dad shivered a bit, and then he smiled. It looked like a forced smile, too good to be true.

So I broke it.

“Why’re you here?” Part of me wanted to sound downright bitchy and rude, and the angel side of me wanted to be calm and patient and nice with him. I wasn’t sure which side of me I was on.

“Can’t I see if my daughter is alright?” He let out a light laugh.

I stared, “Okay. Who are you, and what have you done with my dad?” He looked at me, and I mean really looked at me.

He laughed. “Emilyn I have some stuff that we need to discus. Are you ready?”

No comment.

“I’ve been waiting to tell-and show- you this for a while now, but I guess now would be the right time, huh?” He cocked his head to the side and smiled. “I mean we’re all alone, nobody can interrupt us, and-“He paused while I shivered. His smile was getting creepier by the second. “-it’s time for some bonding time.”


“I know I have been a horrible father, believe me. But you see, dearest Emilyn, I didn’t know how to reach out to you after Ashyln died. A part of me felt so lost and confused, that I forgot. Sure, I couldn’t forget about my King duties and all. But I forgot the most important thing.” He stopped to caress my hand.

Never once had I tried to imagine my dad’s side of the story. I felt like the world’s number one jerk.

“I-I tried to busy myself in my work instead so I wouldn’t have to focus on the pain, and I thought you were fine. I wish I had known because if I did, your daddy would never have let this happen to you. My number one key is your safety, always, and every day. If anything were to happen to you, I don’t know what I would do. But I would know that I would-“he stopped and started shaking and coughing.

“Dad!” I shouted and tried to crawl over, mind you, I am still strapped in and on a bed.

Then the strangest thing happened. He all of a sudden stopped practically in the middle of his coughing and shaking fit and then his eyes went weirdo on me.

His eyes changed to the color black then to his normal color, blue. It happened quite rapidly.

I blinked. What the-

“Dad?” I asked slowly and carefully.

“Yes, Emie,” he asked his voice and eyes perfectly fine.

I frowned. “Your eyes, they changed! I swear I saw it.” I mumbled the last part. I stared at him hard.

Then it was like a change in the air. So fast and so swift I would never have known except for the strangled gasp that my father made which made me gasp and scoot away back to the head of the hospital ward’s bed. Something is not right.

I could feel that feeling that I felt when my dad first came. It came back, but this time it felt stronger. As if, it was all around me. Like a sixth sense. To me, it seemed like it was coming from my dad. I hated pointing fingers, but just this once it seemed very and highly logical. It had seemed so earlier and it seemed so again. I wasn’t sure why I felt this way, but I did. It was confusing to explain to myself but I knew that what I felt was in fact real.

I have to leave one way or another.

“Dad, the uh-nurse said that I was fine to go! So, you lay down and I’ll go get a nurse okay? Okay. And maybe we’ll try to continue this topic later. Okay.” He was totally scaring the crap out of me. And I was getting the crap scared out of me by this weird feeling.

“Sssorry, sweetie,” he sounded weird and his voice sent jitters up and down my back. “I’m fine, I just-,” then and I swore on my mother’s grave right then that I was not lying or tricking myself. His eyes went black again and he whispered out a strangled gasp:


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