His Princess...................Chapter 22

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Hi guys! :D so i was meaning to put this up tommorrow, but I found a free slot. So far on my stupid 10-12 page essay i have 10 pages done! WOOT! WOOT! haha, okay. so here it is.... enjoy everyone :)


(Emilyn’s P.O.V)

I trailed my fingers along the wall marveling at how such intricate and deep the swirling patterns were on the palace walls. It was so cool, knowing that people were able to carve this when it looked like a God had come down and trailed his fingers around a bit.

I stopped my fingers when it hit the end of a corner and took my fingers off the walls like they had wings and could fly, before placing my hand on the adjacent wall and running my fingers all over it, again.

“Emilyn, please. You do that every day.” A whining deep voice said behind me, causing a smile to cross my lips.

“Mhm, your point?” I stopped for a quick moment and quirked an eyebrow at him, daring him to say it. Before turning around and continuing.

Zander sighed behind me and after a quick heartbeat of silence, wrapped his arms around my waist. He buried his face in my hair and sighed. “God, I wish I could hold you like this more often.”

I stiffened. Not because I didn’t enjoy the warmth that spread though me at his single touch. No. Not because he smelled so good. No. Not because I loved the way that I fit perfectly within his arms, and my heart rate sped up so fast when he held me close, so protectively and delicately. No. “Zander,” I hissed.

He moaned. “What now?”

“What if somebody comes?”

He reluctantly pulled away. Running a hand through his hair he nodded, “Yea, sorry. Your right. I just-,” he broke off and stared at me. My heart sped up. “Emilyn I care about you so much. I lov-”, he stopped quickly. “-I love the way you feel in my arms. And I hate that we can’t be together in public, without worrying about who is gonna see or not.” He ran his hand through his hair again, looking so distressed and sad.

I sighed and looked around quickly. Seeing nobody, I held him close.

He did the same. We stayed like this for a while. Content to just hold each other. I took a deep breath, breathing the smell that would always be just him. It was his woodsy smell. Pine trees, flowers, grass, dirt. I loved the smell. Sometimes it’s hard to smell under all his bodyguard attire clothing, but I know that smell so easily that it’s easy for me to detect.

I quickly pulled back, knowing what I wanted. “Follow me.”

I walked forward, not before Zander wrapped his fingers in mine. I gave him a stare. “I’ll say your hand was hurting and I was quickly inspecting it.” He quickly responded.

Rolling my eyes, I squeezed his fingers before starting forward again. I could feel his silent smile.

We did encounter a guard. I had almost made it to the spare maid room that was hardly ever used anymore, when a soldier walked around a corner. Immediately Zander played his part. “It’s okay, is that better? Here look a maid’s rooms, let’s hope they have some-,” he paused and nodded his head to the guard. “Goodmorning.”

The guard bowed to us both before noticing how Zander was holding my hand. Concern clouded his features. He quickly bowed to me, again. “Princess, is everything okay?”

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