His Princess.........................Chapter 9

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Hey! :) Just wanted to let you all know, if there is any confusion that will pop up or right now, tell me now. I write a couple chapters ahead on Word. So if you tell me now, I can remember for future and edit it now, rather than later....

enjoy :p


(Emilyn’s P.OV.)

I slowly opened my eyes. I blinked in confusion as I wondered where the hell I was.

I felt as though I was back at the hospital. I was in some white room again. I frowned as I realized that I was sitting in a white bed again. I thought I left the hospital…

I tried to recall my memory back, but all that came up was blank. The last I remembered was my dad talking to me. Then I had a flitter of a memory of where I was running with some black cloud chasing me. I felt like that memory was crucial, but my brain wouldn’t give me more. The more I searched my head, the more my head started to ache. I sighed and rubbed my temples. Well tried.

I realized that my hands were strapped into these metal wrist holders. I tried yanking my hands upwards several times but the holders would not come off or even budge a little bit.

I was starting to feel a feeling of hopelessness. I tried looking for anything to help me, or anybody. The room was empty. I felt empty.

The doors opened.

I stared at nothing.

Beyond the doors, were more white walls and floors? It was so white that it was hard to tell that it was a hallway outside of the door. The only indication I had that it was a hallway was that at the end of it was a shiny black door.

The black door was stark in contrast to the rest of the white surrounding it. It was as if that black door was the beacon of hope in all this white. I found that weird. Usually it would be the person surrounded in black, and the white door is the beacon of hope.

For some reason, it was opposite. I couldn’t understand why. I mean it has to be some big key to why I am here or what is happening. Or maybe I was just making a big deal out nothing. I was trying to convince myself that was the case when I heard voices.

My head shot up.

They were soft whisperings at first, but then I could feel it growing louder and louder until it felt like these voices were everywhere, beside my bed, behind my bed, above my head, to my left, and to my right. There was nobody though. It was all white.

I started to freak out.

The voices continued.

My panic rose. The voices got louder. Worse thing was, I had exactly no clue what they were saying. It sounded like some old ancient language.

Then I started screaming and yanking furiously at my bonds just wanting to get the hell over to that wonderful black door. I have never loved black this much before.

The voices abruptly stopped.

I was panting and making whimpering noises. They’re going to eat me! It’s just like some horror film! I’m dead, I’m screwed, I’m dead, and I’m-

Miserae Est timidus!

This one lone voice sounded. I still stared around me not seeing anybody or anything. The voice sound peaceful and kind and pitiful for me, I think. Least, I hoped it was pity…

Bonum sequeretur, frater. 

This one sounded deeper and upset with someone, but in control. Now I was just listening, I didn’t feel very frightened anymore.

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