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Anika rushed towards Shivaay and cupped his face.

A- Psycho, plea...se... Ope..n... Your... Ey...es....

Anika said while crying.

People started gathering around them.

P- Madam, don't worry. We've called the ambulance. We've caught the driver also. The police is also on their way.

Within few minutes, an ambulance and police jeep arrived.

Some paramedics made Shivaay lie down in the ambulance. The police also arrested the driver as he was drinking and driving.

Anika was about to climb in the ambulance with Pari in her arms when a paramedic stopped her.

P- Ma'am, only relatives are allowed with the patient.

A- I'm.... His.... Wi... Wife..

The paramedic nodded his head and let Anika sit in the ambulance.

Pari was constantly crying so Anika made her sleep in her arms. Anika was holding Shivaay's hand as tears were making their way through her eyes.

Soon they reached the hospital and Shivaay was taken to the operation theatre.

A nurse came towards Anika with a form in her hand.

N- Ma'am, are you patient's wife?

Anika nodded her head.

N- Please fill this form so the doctor can start patient's treatment.

Anika nodded and took the form from her.

She made Pari sleep on the bench beside her and filled up the form and gave it to the nurse.

A- How is he now?

N- We can't say anything, Ma'am but doctors are trying their best.

Nurse said and left with the form and Anika cried while covering her face.

After 2 hours, doctor came out of the OT and Anika rushed towards the doctor.

A- Doctor, how is Shivaay? Is he fine?

The doctor shook his head.

D- Mrs. Oberoi, the surgery was successful but we can't say Anything until the patient gains consciousness.His head injuries are severe and he lost too much blood.The patient must gain consciousness in these 12 hours, otherwise he might slip into coma. We're shifting him to the ICU and you can also stay there with your baby but please don't disturb the patient. Take care.

Anika nodded her head and soon Shivaay was shifted to ICU.

Anika looked at Shivaay's unconscious and pale body, attached to many wires and tubes. She couldn't control her sob.

She covered her mouth, to control her sob. Pari was also looking at her mother sadly.

She sat beside him and held his hand. She made Pari sit on the bed beside Shivaay.

A- Psycho, wake up. You can't do this to us. You always fight with me. Why are you not fighting with me today? Come on, wake up. I've to scold for being so careless. Why did you even pushed me? This accident was meant for me, not you. Psycho, please don't leave me. Everyone in my life left me alone, please not you. I won't be able to live without you. You dont know but you mean Everything to me. I've Never confessed this but you're a very important part of my life. Please don't leave me. I love you. You're my life. Atleast fight for us, for me, for Pari.

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