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Shivaay came out of the office, while following Anika. He looked around for Anika and found her sitting on a bench in the garden while holding Pari close to her chest.

He went and sat beside her.

S- What is wrong with you, Anika? Everything was going so good and you ran away like that.

A- I can't leave her here.

Anika said in a low voice but Shivaay heard her.

S- What?

Anika looked at him.

A- I can't leave her here in this orphanage to live a life like me where I always craved for love and support, where I always think that why am I even living, for whom I'm living. I never had anyone or anything to live for. She'll also live a life like this, like me. I won't let that happen. She'll have someone in her life to live for. She'll live for me.

S- Anika, I know that you are very emotional right now but try to understand, how will we bring her up? We can't be her parents, right? We're still in college. What will we answer if someone asks about her? If she grew up, what will we answer her that we won her as a prize in a stupid game? It will only increase the complications in our life. Nothing else.

A- I don't care. If she'll need parents, then I'll be her mother and father. She'll never get to know that she's an orphan. I'll do anything to bring her up and to give her love and care. But I'm never letting her go. I don't care what the people will say.

S- Anika, why aren't you understanding, if people will see you with a baby, they might question your character?

A- I've heard enough about my character from these so called 'people'. They used to tell me that I'm an illegitimate child and my mom and dad left me because of this. They said that I'm not worth of a respectful life. What else is left to be said? Nobody was there for me to take my stand but I'll not let the same things happen to Pari. I'll be there for her. I don't know her much but I've already developed a connection with her. I can see myself in her.

S- But...

A- I'm not forcing you to take her responsibility with me. This is my decision to keep her so she is completely my responsibility. Your name will never be taken in this matter.

S- You know what. Do whatever you want but I'm out of this. You are just being an emotional fool. If you don't want to understand anything then it's fine. Keep her with you but don't expect anything from my side.

Shivaay said angrily.

Anika's face was expresionless as before. She took out her mobile from her pocket and booked a cab.

S- Let's go. I'll drop you at home because I can't be a heartless beast to leave you with a baby alone.

A- No need of that. My cab is already waiting.

Anika went and sat in the cab. Shivaay groaned in frustration and clutched his hair.

S- Why are you so stubborn?

He went towards his car and left from there.

Anika asked the driver to stop near a mall and she bought some baby stuff like diapers, baby milk powder and two dresses as her pocket allowed only this much expense.

She then reached her apartment and unlocked the door. By now, Pari also woke up from her sleep and was looking here and there with her beautiful brown eyes.

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