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Pinky and Anika along with Pari went to the bedroom.

Pinky sat on the bed and Anika lied Pari down on the bed.

A- Aunty! Do you want anything to eat and drink? I'll go get it.

Pinky frowned at her.

P- What auntys? I'm not your auntys. Calls me moms just likes Shivaay.

Anika smiled a little with teary eyes.

Pinky pulled her towards her and made her sit on the bed beside her. She patted her cheek.

P- Ae, pagli! Why are you cryings? If yous don't wants to calls me moms. It's fines.

A- No mom. It's not like that. It's the first time in my life that I've felt like calling someone as mom and I just got so happy that I couldn't control my tears.

Anika said while tears started making their way through her eyes. But Pinky wiped her tears and hugged her tightly.

Pinky was caressing her back to calm her down.

P- It's okays, baccha. You became my daughters that days only when yous saved me.

Pinky said kissing her forehead and Anika smiled.

Suddenly Pari squealed in joy.

Pa- Maaaaaa....

Anika and Pinky turned to look at her and she was throwing her arms and legs in the air in order to grab their attention. Pinky and Anika chuckled. They failed to notice the presence of Shivaay, who was standing at the door and witnessing their MIL and DIL moment.

Pinky was about to pick up Pari in her arms when Shivaay shouted-


Pinky and Anika were shocked and they turned their head towards Shivaay who was running towards them.

P- What happeneds?

S- Mom! You can't touch Pari without sanitizing your hands. You know it's Corona virus threat all over the world.

P- OH MY MAATA! I alreadys washed my hands.

S- Whatever. Just sanitize your hands. And you too Nutsy.

Pinky and Anika rolled their eyes and sanitized their hands.

Pinky picked up Pari in her arms and she giggled.

P- Oh My Maata! My granddaughters is so beautifuls.

Shivaay and Anika smiled widely.

P- You both have givens me world's bests happiness.

S- But mom, how did you and dad came here suddenly?

P- Oh! I brought an alliances for yous.

Shivaay and Anika's eyes widened in horror.

S/A- What?

P- But nows I knows that girls was daayan. I'm very happys with my daughter-in-law.

Pinky said with a wide smile and Shivika smiled as well.

They noticed that Pari was almost sleeping and her eyes we're getting closed.

A- Oh No! She's getting sleepy and she must be hungry also.

S- No problem. You can go and feed her. I'll arrange the dinner on the table.

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