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Shivaay sat with his face covered in his palms.

Anika cupped his palms. She understood that a new problem has arised.

A- What happened, psycho?

Shivaay removed his palms from his face and looked at her with worried face.

S- A new problem is coming to our home.

A- What? Which problem?

S- My parents.

Anika frowned in confusion and furry.

A- Psycho, are you really mad? How can you call your parents a problem?

S- I didn't mean that way. I meant that they will definitely cause a problem to us.

A- But why?

S- They are on the way to our home.

Anika stood up from the sofa and cupped her mouth in shock.

A- You mean our home?

Shivaay nodded his head.

A- Oh My God! Oh My God! What should I do? Shall I run away with Pari? What if they don't like me? What if they don't accept Pari? Oh No. What should I....

Anika was ranting hysterically until Shivaay palmed her mouth and made her shut up.

S- Shhhhh! It's okay. Calm down.

Anika nodded her head and took a deep breath.

S- I'm also worried. I also wanted some time for adjusting in our relationship then I would have introduced you both but here things turned in a different way. But don't worry, I'll handle everything.

Shivaay said while cupping her cheeks and Anika nodded her head.

A- What if they don't accept us?

S- No matter what! I'll be always with you and Pari. I've promised a lifetime to you both and I never break my promises. Okay? They might get a little angry but they're very good at heart, especially my father. So don't worry.

Anika nodded her head. Their moment was broken by Pari's cries.

A- I'll go and check on her. She must be hungry.

Shivaay nodded his head.

S- Okay. Till then I'll go and prepare some dinner.

Anika nodded her head with a smile and went to Pari's nursery.

She saw Pari looking at her with glossy angelic eyes.

A- Awww! My baby is up.

Anika said while picking up Pari in her arms and Pari snuggled in the crook of her neck.

Anika smiled and pecked her forehead.

A- Now let's fill your small tummy.

Anika said while tickling her stomach and Pari giggled.

Anika sat on the couch and made Pari lie on her lap and she started feeding her.

After feeding her, she took Pari to her bedroom. She lied her down on the bed and surrounded her with pillows.

She sat beside her.

A- Baby, you know today your dadi and dadu are coming. I don't know if they will accept us or not but we will try our best. Right baby? Now help me to choose a dress for mumma. Okay?

PHAIL GAYA RAITA ✔️Where stories live. Discover now