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Shivaay and Anika entered the camp and was shocked to see the decorations of the camp. It was decorated with many toys, baby necessities were placed here and there and many baby paintings were hanging on the wall of the camp. They noticed many married couples around who were alloted different tables.

Shivaay and Anika looked at each other doubtfully.

A- Something is fishy here. I think we should leave.

S- Ya, Nutsy. I think you are right.

They were about to leave when they were stopped by the woman who did their registration.

W- Where are you both going?

A- Umm.. Actually we don't want to participate in this competition anymore so we are leaving.

Anika said with a smile. The woman frowned.

W- You both can't go without participating.

S- But you can't force us. We don't want to participate. That's it.

W- It's against the rules. It will spoil our reputation.

A- But...

W- Please try to understand. It's just a competition. I hope you'll enjoy.

Shivaay and Anika looked at each other and then nodded unwillingly.

They went inside the camp and stood at their alloted table.

The host stood at the centre of the camp.

H- Hello all the lovely couples. So here we are for this amazing competition 'TAN TANA TAN, TAN TAN TARA, AB SE BABY HO GAYA TUMHARA'. This competition takes place every year and is conducted by Anokha Orphanage. The house of the winner of this competition gets filled with happiness. So now let's start the game.

The other couples hooted while Anika and Shivaay were looking at each other perplexed.

S- The prize is happiness. Sh*t yar, I thought I'll get a girlfriend. 😂

Anika looked at him disgustingly.

A- As expected.

H- So there will be three rounds in this game. In first round, a doll will be given to each couple and you have to make it wear the diaper. In second round, the couple have to prepare the baby food successfully. In third and the final round, the male participant has to pick his partner in his arms while the woman will be carrying a doll and they have to race against other couples. Let's start.

Anika and Shivaay looked at each other shocked.

S- Nutsy! Is this a baby care centre? What type of games are these?

Shivaay asked in confusion.

A- Ya. Even I don't understand this. And you know what, we are stuck here just because of you.

Anika said angrily while glaring at him. Shivaay smiled sheepishly.

S- Now we don't have any other option.

Anika just rolled her eyes.

A man kept a doll on their table and Shivaay picked it up and started twisting and turning the hands and legs of the doll while examining it. Anika looked at him in confusion.

A- What are you doing? This is not a bomb.

S- I was just examining it.

Shivaay said while shrugging his shoulders casually.

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