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A couple in their late 40s came out of the airport. The woman hurriedly went to the car in excitement and the man followed her while shaking his head in disbelief.

M- Can't you just calm down?

W- Why Calm down? After all I'm going to see my son after so long and the best news is that I've selected a perfect girl for him. He'll be so happy.

M- Atleast ask him before deciding his bride?

W- I know my son. He'll never deny my wish and will always do what I'll ask him. Now let's go.

The man shook his head in disbelief because he knows that his wife is the most stubborn person in this world, especially when it comes to her beloved son.

He told the address to the driver

He told the address to the driver

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Hello everyone. 🤗🤗

Long time, no see. 🙈🙈

Well I was busy with my exams and tomorrow is my last exam so I thought to give a little glimpse of the further twist to my lovely readers. 😬😬

How was it? 😁😁

Who is the couple and whose marriage they're talking about?🤔🤔

Please keep voting and give your precious comments.☺☺

Love you all. 😘😘

Bye bye. 🙋🙋

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