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Anika made Pari sleep in the baby cot. Shivaay was noticing her each and every action keenly. Anika made Pari sleep on her left hand side and patted her back a little. She covered her with a baby blanket.

S- Why did you made her sleep like this?

A- It's just that this position will help her in digesting the milk.

S- Wow.. You know a lot about babies. Did you had one?

Shivaay said mishcheivously and Anika glared at him.

Anika went to kitchen and started making dinner. Shivaay came to the kitchen and stood beside her. Anika was busy in making pasta.

S- Wow. It smells amazing. Can I have some?

Anika looked at him and glared.

A- Why? I don't think that there's a board written 'Anika's all time diner', hanging on the door of my kitchen? Is it?

Shivaay made a puppy face and sat on the chair.

S- I'm sorry. I was just little hungry as I skipped my breakfast and lunch as well. But it's okay don't take troubles for me. I'll sleep with empty stomach.

Shivaay said with a sad pout.

S(thinks) - This trick always works. Let's see. In 10 seconds, she'll ask me to have dinner with her. 10.... 9..... 8...... 7...... 6..... 5...... 4..... Will she really not give me dinner... Oh no... 3.... 2.....

A- Umm.. Psycho

Shivaay looked at her with a wide smile.

S- Yes Nutsy.

A- You can have dinner with me. It's not like that I'm offering you food or something but I think I cooked more of it and I really don't want to waste it. So you can have it.

Shivaay smiled widely.

S- Don't worry. I won't let it waste.

A- Fine.

Anika served the food in two plates and handed over one plate to Shivaay.

S- Thanks.

A- Hmm.

They went to the dining area and settled themselves.

S- Umm.. You really make amazing food. It's yummy. Where did you learn from?

A- Miss Mary taught me cooking.

S- Miss. Mary?

A- My orpganage's owner.

S- Oh. But I really loved your cooked food. From now, I've decided that we'll have breakfast and dinner together, that too, cooked by you.

A- Don't you think, you are taking too much liberty?

S- Oopsy. But you know what, girls kill each other to have food with me, I mean, not literally, but yes.

A- You know I can also kill.

S- Oh! Don't be jealous of those girls. They are nothing in front of you. By the way who do you want to kill?

Anika picked up a knife and pointed towards him with a smirk.

A- You.

Shivaay's eyes widened in horror.

S- You took it seriously? I was just joking around.

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