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It was early morning, when Anika woke up from her sleep. She clutched her head due to Hangover. She then saw Shivaay who entered the room with breakfast.

 She then saw Shivaay who entered the room with breakfast

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S- Good morning, wifey.

A- Morning.

She said while groaning in pain due to headache. Shivaay smirked at her.

S- I suppose you had fun last night.

A- What happened? I don't remember anything.

Shivaay made a puppy face.

S-  From where should I start? When you were pressurising me to kiss you or where you went behind another boy, asking him to kiss you or where you tried to take advantage of me.

Anika's eyes widened in horror.

A- What rubbish, Psycho? I'm sure that I didn't do anything like this. You're just making it all up. For your kind information, I've watched DDLJ 48 times so your trick won't work on me.

Anika said with a smirk and Shivaay controlled his smile.

S- You don't believe me, right. Okay, let me call Gauri.

Anika looked at him keenly when he was calling Gauri. Gauri answered the call after few rings.

S- Hi Gauri.

G- Hi. Good morning.

S- Gauri, can you please tell Nutsy that what she did last night in the party? She doesn't believe me.

Gauri started laughing loudly.

G- Oh My God!Anika, don't even ask me? You were lit. You enjoyed too much babe.

Gauri told everything to Anika and Anika hid her face in the pillow in embarrassment while Shivaay chuckled.

S- Thank you Gauri for your help.

G- Shut up Drama queen.

Gauri disconnected the call while Shivaay just chuckled.

S- Well, that was only the things you did at the party but after that.....

Anika sat up with a jerk and Shivaay controlled his laughter.

A- What did I do? Tell me psycho, otherwise I'll kill you.

S- Okay.

Shivaay narrated her the ice cream incident except the part where she confessed her heart feelings.

S- ....then when we came back home, you started throwing a fit, that you want me to kiss you. When I denied, you but me hard on my neck as I was carrying you in my arms and taking you to our room. See.

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