Chapter 19

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The rest of the week had been hard for Niklaus. The pain of losing two people he cared so deeply was the hardest thing since he hadn't cared for anyone in his life before except for his family, not this deep. And somehow this woman, Machae just wazzled into his life and then she was ...gone.

The next morning after the incident came quite in Gilbert household. Niklaus – who was still in the Gilbert's living room, the now trashed living room – couldn't stop staring at his brother's burnt corpse with Machae's dead body still in his lap. Her body had dessicated leaving her skin grey and dull. But she was still the most beautiful woman Niklaus had ever laid eyes on.

Niklaus still couldn't believe his brother was dead. His brother that had been by his side for over a thousand years. Granted there were a few quarrels and separated years apart several times, but no matter what, he loved him. Kol was forever be his little brother.

The rest of the day was painful for him. Tyler, his former sired hybrid, came gloating for victory and but of course, he repayed him back with more menacing tauntings. Caroline, the former girl he liked, also came to ruined his day by siding with her precious boyfriend, the former sired hybrid Lockwood. Making any positive feelings he had towards the girl lessened, hence he bite her with his werewolf bite that was known to be lethal to vampires. And the best thing was, his blood was the only thing that could cure her.

It tortured Niklaus to see her like this. But Tyler just waged a war with him, the Original Hybrid, and this was his way to get his victory.

Caroline who was lying on the floor, dying with werewolf bite on her neck, looked up at Niklaus, who approached her.

"Nothing personal, love. If I cure you, that means victory for him. Don't worry. It won't be long now." The hybrid said.

Caroline, breathing heavily, closed her eyes. Niklaus then moved her on the sofa for her to get more comfortable.

Caroline was lying on the sofa, breathing raspingly. Niklaus stood across the room, avoiding to look her. She reminded her too much of Machae.

The night when he found Machae dying of werewolf bite, he had never been so afraid to lose someone. In fact, he had no fear at all, besides his father but he killed him already so that was long gone now. But that night, no matter hard Niklaus tried to deny that, he was utterly terrified.

And the fact that werewolf bite was even more lethal to Machae than regular vampires didn't help at all.

"You're lucky, you know." Niklaus said still staring blankly ahead.

"Lucky to enjoy your venomous werewolf toxin eating my healthy body cells? Yea, luckiest girl in the world." Caroline sassed.

Niklaus ignored her sarcasm as he continued. "Machae was bitten by a werewolf a few nights ago." This shocked the already weak Caroline. She didn't hear the news, of course. How could she? Still, she felt bad about the late vampire.

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