Chapter 1

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"Where's he?" I furrowed my eyebrows and checked the time

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"Where's he?" I furrowed my eyebrows and checked the time. He should be here around half an hour ago. I glanced at my phone to see it went straight to voicemail again like the previous 20 missed calls.

"We don't know Machae, last we checked Nate was spying on the witches at the Old Town."

"Yea Theo and I went to see the camera surveillance but it seemed he disappeared on the blind spot."

"What were they doing in Old Town?" I asked confusedly. It wasn't their common place to hang around.

"They were buying witches ingredients around Royal Mile but Nate and I suspected there was something more so he eyed them this morning."

"Theo, gather a search team. Daniel with me." I demanded. I walked into a more secluded space.

"Thea?" I asked.

"Still in the Croft mansion." Dan said.

"Get her."

Dan went on his phone to call Thea while I walked towards Theo and stood in front of our recruits.

"Nathan has gone missing. He was last seen at the Old Town. Theo will divide into 4 teams each check north, east, south and west of the area. Take the bikes and meet up at the angel statue later. Should you find any sign of him, report to me or any of your Counts. Do you understand?"

"Yes we do, Queen." They answered in unison.

"Good. Let's go."

I saw Theo silently divide our recruits into 4 teams as I ordered with his hands as we walked to our garage. We couldn't be seen using our vampire speed in the city full of crowds. Dan handed me our earpiece. I put them in my ears and saw the rest did the same.

I tilted my head towards Daniel to come near me.

"Has she been informed?" I asked.

"Yea she's on her way. She's going to meet us at her point." I nodded.

I walked over to my bike, put on my helmet and lead the front. I sped with my bike through the city with 20 of our recruiters behind me along with Dan and Theo beside me. We met the first junction I gestured my hand towards Theo for him to lead his little team and moved my hand in a circular motion a signal for him to spread around. He nodded in understanding.

I sped my bike even faster. The others behind me followed my suit. We were approaching the main junction, central of the area. I saw Thea was already there waiting for us. I gestured for her to take the east and Dan to take west and make the same circular signal. I glanced back at the rest of the recruits and motioned them to follow me.

We parked our bikes in an old abandoned building at the end of the road. I got off of my bike and took off my helmet. I pointed my finger to 2 of my recruits and said "You two to the right check every block every alley from here to that hulk over there." I said pointing to the buildings to my right down the road we just passed. I turned to the other 2 and gave them my order "You two to the left." And last to the recruit beside me "You with me. You know the drill. Meet me back here in 15 minutes. If any of you find any sign of him or encounter a danger along the way, do not hesitate to speak to your earpiece we will come to get you. And please for sake of our hearing, do not shout to your earpiece."

OVERTHROWN QUEEN • N. MIKAELSON [2]Where stories live. Discover now