Chapter 12

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Hours later, after the short recap of the day and a whole bunch of alcoholic drinks spreading on her lounge. I was hammered with Nik was watching me in concern and amusement as I was lying on his chest with his arms wrapped around me. Clinton already passed out sprawled upon my couch.


I was just finished showering and telling what really happened today to Nik.

"He was quite good. It's been a while since I fought someone with professional training. But...I had him, Nik. Really. I didn't know why I got bloody distracted by Elena suddenly came to join the party." I said slouching in my chair downing yet another drink. "Then I lost him."

"I'm sorry you wasted a trip to Italy and lost one of your pack members." I said looking at him guiltily since it was partly my fault.

"I am pissed." He said with an unreadable emotion. "But I'm not blaming you, love."

"You should be." I looked down in shame. "It was my responsibility, Nik."

"No it's not." I looked up to him in surprise. "It's mine." He said as he bowed his head down in grieve. "I'm their sire."

I walked up to him and engulfed him in a hug. He put his head in the crook of my neck inhaling my scent while I lied my head in his chest also breathing in his scent. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes neither said anything. Too absorbed with our own thoughts and sorrow.

It's been a while since I felt this way. The feeling of anger, sorrow, guilt whenever I failed a mission, we failed a mission. It was always like this.

"I'm happy that you're not the one who killed the hunter." He whispered. "Because now Elena is basically living her nightmare."

I looked at him in questioning. "I'll tell you tomorrow, love." He smirked as I rolled my eyes.

"Come on. Let's stop this pity party." I pulled away and tugged his hand to my lounge. "Clinton!" I called. "Bring me my holy water!"

The human man chuckled whereas the thousand-year-old hybrid looked confused. Clinton came back with a luggage full of my liquor. Only now Niklaus understood my version of holy water.

I grabbed 3 shots glasses and poured us drinks. "Like every other time we used to do in every failed mission, 'go home and get drunk'. We are home so...cheers." I raised my glass and downed my first of countless others glass of shots.

"Love?" he called. "Yea?"

"I think you've had enough. You don't want a bloody splitting headache when you wake up in the morning." He smiled.

I sobered up a little at the mention of waking up. "Don't let me sleep, Nik. Please." I said looking up at him.

He frowned in confusion. "Why, love?"

"Because I'm exhausted." I said truthfully as he looked even more confused. "I haven't slept since yesterday."

"I'm emotionally exhausted yesterday. I'm physically exhausted today. I'm too exhausted to deal with my sickly nightmare." I said quietly. "I might not even wake up at this point." I chuckled humourlessly.

"What nightmare, love? If you don't mind me asking."

Damn my drunk self for giving the information I was about to give.

I smiled at him mouthing and mumbled an 'it's ok'. "Some of it were memories, it started normal, my real memory from my past then it turned into a sickly twisted version where in the end it was always the same... I failed protecting people I loved being killed." I choked. "By the werewolf."

OVERTHROWN QUEEN • N. MIKAELSON [2]Where stories live. Discover now