Chapter 28

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^^The sword, black handle with Viking runes and aegishjálmur on either sides of the sword.

2 hours - Since Banishment.

Theo and I sat on the porch just staring off at the empty street of the hotel we were in. We were still understandably exhausted by the unfold of the event tonight.

"This is where we stayed when Kol and I first came a century ago." I told him.

The only place I could think of that they didn't know since they knew all my safe houses here.

"I'm sorry, Mac. You must've missed him terribly." He said sincerely. "I miss him too."

I softened at his sight. I opened my arms for him. "Come here." we stayed in our embrace, comforting each other from our emotional baggage we had been carrying all this time.

I pulled away and held his hands. "I'm sorry, T." I whispered. "I'm so sorry I dragged you into all this."

"Don't be. I want this, Mac. I don't want to leave you alone. You're like my sister." Theo said genuinely.

I smiled at his words. "And you, my little brother." Tears sprung up in my eyes at his words. "I lost everyone. I couldn't bare losing you too, T." I croaked.

"You won't. We stick together." 

He gave me a soft smile in which I returned. "Now enough of that tears. Suck it up back to your eye." 

I just chuckled at him. He was always like this. "Oh before I forgot." He turned and grabbed a wrapped up cloth thing from beside him that I hadn't even notice he was carrying.

"What's that?"

"I don't know. Charles Bouvier gave it to me. He said he knows you?" I nodded. "He said...Nik gave it to you, he told him it will help you."

He scanned my face for my reaction. I just sighed. It had been an exhausting day. I took the thing from him and unwrapped it revealing...a sword? Two swords, actually.

I took one and examined it. "Whoa..." Theo gaped in amazement. "This is like...this is like very ancient, but it's really good quality and it looks awesome too." 

It was true. I tried swinging one around, testing it. It felt natural in my hand. 

"Wait..." Theo trailed off, squinting his eyes closer to the sword. "What is that?" He asked pointing at the runes.

There were two types of runes on either side of the swords, the alphabet runes and the symbol runes. Both of which I had no clue what it meant.

"Maybe..." I didn't answer right away since I too had no idea what it meant.  " looks sort of like Old Norse runes used by Vikings back in the day?"

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