Chapter 4

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The day had finally arrived. After a week of preparation, sweat and harsh words were traded for they were exhausted after the hard work and tough trainings we had. But we knew when it all came down to this day it would all be worth it.

After the first phone call I got from Nik, it seemed like it lead to countless others and the rest of the late night phone calls. That was how I spent the past nights since I arrived smiling and laughing at his jokes and actually got to know him better. Maybe it was because of him that I wasn't as tense as I usually was before I fought in a battle.

I was now quite familiar with his voice from the phone. I could not be more grateful that I found his soft, caring, humorous and annoyingly charming side of him under the evil monstrous hybrid façade he wanted people to believe he was.

I apologized to the Mikaelsons' the other day about the current situation and assured them I did not bring them here to fight my war. Their reaction, however, was unexpected for me. Instead of accusing and blaming me, they wanted to help me. They wanted to join. I obviously refused and rejected their suggestion. But they insisted.

Which was why it lead me to do this.

"Hey" I greeted the three siblings. They nodded and smiled at me.

"What's the agenda for today?" Lijah asked.

"Chilling." I answered not missing a beat. They looked at me like I'd grown two heads.

"Tomorrow is battle day. You need rest, save your strength." I explained.

The truth was we had this day yesterday since today was actually the battle day.

"Good! It was bloody exhausting watching you people train day and night." Bekah groaned.

I smiled. "I'm sorry I won't be here. I still need to have meetings. Though, I have made sure you have everything you need. Blood bags, food, tv, wifi, etc." I said pointing into different directions as I mentioned the things. "If you're hungry, you can call Henry, my chef, to make you food or Ginna, my assistant, if you need anything in general. Don't worry I won't be long." I handed them their numbers.

"Bloody great! Thanks, darling." Bekah grinned. But from the corner of my eye, I saw Kol looked unconvinced and suspicious of me.

Whatever I didn't have time for this.

"Anyway, I need to go. See you later." I smiled and closed the door behind me.

I locked the door and laced it with vervain to prevent them from escaping. Gave them the sound proof room, meaning they couldn't hear what was outside as we couldn't hear what was inside. I turned to Ginna behind me "Make sure they don't get out until we came back from our battle. Give them anything they ask." She nodded and stood in front of the door.

I was well aware that I might seemed like a controlling freak. Taking their voluntary free will of choice and dissolved it into my own decision. Call me selfish, but I did not want more guilt on me had anything happened to them. The people I somehow cared. I did not want to hold responsible had anything gone wrong and affected them too.

I entered the familiar Blue room to see my warriors waiting for me neatly in their lines wearing their complete battle uniform our weapons ready at their hands. I walked over to the stage in front of them with my inner circle standing on either sides of me slightly behind me giving me the space and attention.

"My warriors. It has come to this day. The day we all have been anticipated this week. Today we are going to bring down Abernathy's reign. Today we are going to avenge their foolish act for attacking us. Today we are going to end the witches in this city once and for all!" I shouted. The crowds erupted in cheer.

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