Chapter 8

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It was silent, not uncomfortable, but not pleasant either. My thoughts were elsewhere as I stared blankly to the car window beside me not really paying attention to the trees passing by. Thinking back of this morning's – or yesterday I didn't even keep track anymore – event that started this new journey I was about to have with a certain hybrid driving soundlessly beside me.

I woke up with only a thin sheet covering my bare-naked body. Still closing my eyes, I snuggled closer to my source of warmth as I felt it wrapped around me closer. My God, this felt heavenly. I purred as I felt someone was stroking and playing with my hair. A deep chuckle was sounded in result.

"Come on, love. I know you're awake." A sexy morning voice sound.

I groaned and snuggled back closer as I mumbled "Shut up."

Whoever was beside me chuckled again. Wait... his voice did sound familiar.

"You have a meeting, remember?"

"Fuck the meeting. Let me sleep." I mumbled.

The voice laughed before continuing "No can do, love. Get up or I'll drag you out myself." The voice said.

I snapped my eyes opened to see Nik in smirking smugly at me. I glared playfully at him. "Throwing my own bloody words against me huh? Asshole."

He laughed at me before saying "Of course." Only then I got the chance to admire him fully. He truly was handsome. I stared long at his eyes that never fail to captivate me pulling me in deeper as I lost into it. I didn't notice he was doing the same with me. Studying me, memorizing every inch of my face.

My thoughts wandered over the things we did last night.

Last night was...bless my soul. I couldn't even describe it with amazing words that would do its justice. It was beyond fantastic. He was rough. He was a beast. The way he made me feel... oh Lord. It wasn't just normal hook up, there was desire. And... passion. That made it way better and way more terrifying at the same time. I dare to say I had known my way to men. But last night? Definitely the best I had ever had.

"Have I ever told you your eyes were mesmerizing?" he mumbled in awe still in trance

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"Have I ever told you your eyes were mesmerizing?" he mumbled in awe still in trance.

"I believe it's your first." I mumbled back just as awestruck as he was.

Our short moment was once again interrupted by the ding sound of his phone. I sighed as he grabbed his phone to look at the message. He showed it over to me and saw it was a bunch of pictures. Killing scenes, to be exact.

"This is the handy work of the new player in town." He informed me. "A vampire hunter."

"That's one of the reasons I came here." He confessed.

Of course, there was a hidden agenda. But hey I was not the one to talk, I did it countless times too.

I sighed and looked closer to the pictures and frowned at the familiarity.

OVERTHROWN QUEEN • N. MIKAELSON [2]Where stories live. Discover now