Chapter 13

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The backyard gigantic garden or could possibly a golf site was now filled with music playing by the band, light food on the tables, flowers everywhere, people dressed in their semi-fancy attire chatting enjoying the party and the other some was running around making sure the party was smooth.

The two vampires who were on a date were spotted just arrived at the event arm in arm. The male who was in a sour mood after he gave his warning to Stefan when Machae told him Stefan told Damon about the cure and possibly now the whole Mystic gang already knew about it was now in a good mood since he had been waiting for this date since he laid eyes on the female a few weeks ago astonishing him with her wit, skills and determination to find his brother.

"No Elena. No hunter. For today. Just us, ok?" Niklaus turned to look at his date in all seriousness.

Machae looked at him surprised and astounded. As she didn't really expect him to do that. "Really?" she asked in disbelief.

"Yea, you told me you don't want to get involved with the Elena problem and since this is our date today is just about us." He said smiling.

Machae looked to him unsure and felt a little guilty. "I hope you know I meant not just for today. I take no part in your plan involving her anymore" she said to him slowly and carefully.

His expression showed disappointment for a second before he masked it quickly with a smile. "Yea I understand."

"Nik – "

"Come on, we got a party to enjoy, love." He teased.

She laughed lightly. "Why are we here anyway, love? Miss Mystic Falls, really?" he said rolling his eyes. "A coffee date from across the street sounds a lot more amazing than this, love. I can even make the band to let you sing." Niklaus was smiling widely trying to persuade his date to move somewhere else.

"I don't doubt that." She said smiling while shaking her head. She could totally picture that in her mind and what a nice suggestion would it be, but she reminded herself on why they were there. "But me being quitting your plan doesn't mean you can throw yourself out of the loop."

She knew that Niklaus still wanted to be close to the Mystic Falls gang in case something happened or they suddenly went against him or something. Wouldn't be the first time. That's why he suggested the nearby coffee date instead of out-of-town date.

"You don't have to do anything, darling." Her eyes scanned the crowds before her. "You just have to observe." She smirked. He gave her a look that basically deadpanned 'Really?' Machae just shrugged. "It's a productive date." She smiled innocently.

Niklaus just shook his head and had a small smile thinking 'You'd be the death of me someday, Machae'

Her eyes landed on Matt Donovan. "Human friend, check."

Damon Salvatore was talking to some guy short curly dark hair. "One Salvatore." She frowned as she watched the interaction between the two. By their brief interaction, she could conclude there were more to this man than meet the eye. She made a mental note to find out what it was.

Next, her eyes landed on the ever centre of the problem in Mystic Falls, the doppelgänger herself, looking everywhere displaying a miserable face as if she hadn't had the whole Mystic Falls gang doing their high and low for her happiness. "One Gilbert."

Then finally, her eyes landed on the blonde vampire she met yesterday busy running around shouting orders as she did so. "One best friend."

"Where are the rest of the scooby-doo gang?" she asked rhetorically. In other words, the other Salvatore, Gilbert and the witch?

OVERTHROWN QUEEN • N. MIKAELSON [2]Where stories live. Discover now