Chapter 29

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Sounds of commotion and chaos from outside the gate snapped the Colin, his witches and the three Counts out from their current situation.

The three Counts whose heads were being tried to be controlled by the witches snapped back to the real world since the witches lost concentrate on their spells.

All of them stood on guard inside the throne room preparing themselves for whatever that was.

The door suddenly burst opened with Machae riding a horse and jumped out of it, doing triple flips, kicking her daggers mid-air to the witches' chests and landed on the ground perfectly.

"Where is he?" she seethed, not beating around the bush.

From the few seconds of peek, Colin and the other witches knew, the vampires from the prison break was battling their fellow friends outside the castle. But they resisted their urge to help them when they directed their sole focus to Machae. The vampires' leader, the vampires' head of battle, the root of the witches' problem.

On the other hand, Machae was lowkey distracted by all the decorations in the throne room. The once black-blood red colour theme was now gold, all those vampire empire flags were replaced by witch flags. Her mouth parted in shock, she couldn't believe this was happening.

"Machae! I'm glad you can make it. I've been redecorating, you see." Colin smiled wickedly.

Colin's voice snapped Machae out of her shock state and back to her initial reason for her coming.

"Where is he?" Machae asked once more.

"You like the colour? I think it fits me well, you agree? Bright, happy aka everything you're not?" He approached her with his aggravating shit-eating grin on his face.

"You think I'm fucking around, kid? You think I can't do anything to you with no army? No no, you're in for a treat. I'm not going to beat your ass, I'm going to torture the fuck out of you. This isn't a threat Colin, it's a promise. I'm going to ask you one last time." They were now staring deadly eye to eye with only inches separating their faces. "Where. Is. He."

If Colin was intimated, he attempted not showing it. He chuckled and walked around. "Theo? He's napping now. In fact, he should be awake about now."

"If you hurt him in any way, you're going to regret to ever step foot on this land." Her voice went dark.

Colin just chuckled and turned to his witches. "Bring him in."

They dragged Theo and threw him to the Counts who Dan quickly caught him and put him at the centre where Thea and Nate were ready secured him by the arm.

"He's alright as you can see, among the Counts as he should be." Colin stepped closer to Machae as she glared harder at him.

"You, on the other hand, are not welcomed here." Colin glared daggers at Machae, staring straight to her eyes, face only inches from her as she matched her glare even fiercer.

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