Chapter 22

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"Вы никчемный ребенок. Ты меня предаешь! [You worthless child. You betray me!]" Viktor shoved Machae, pushing her to the wall hard.

"Нет, отец. Я спас тебя. [No, father. I saved you.]" Machae said softly, trying to make her father understand, one of his guys were lying to him earlier.

"Спаси меня? Вы ставите под угрозу весь план! [Save me? You put the whole plan in jeopardy!]" he roared.

"Этот человек солгал тебе, отец! [That man was lying to you, father!]" Machae said in frustration.

He slapped Machae across the cheek. "Следи за своим тоном, маленькая девочка! [Mind your tone, little girl!]" He hissed.

"Вы верите его словам, а не моим? [You believe his words over mine?]" Machae asked quietly, trying so hard to mask the disappointment and betrayal in her tone.

"Я бы воспринял любые слова выше тебя. В любой момент [I would take anyone's words over you. Anytime.]" He said, leaving a heartbroken Machae.

"Machae...Machae...You poor girl..." Machae turned around to face the voice.

"Hexa?" She looked at her confusedly.

Hexa ignored her confused look. "Couldn't get any man to love you. Believe in you. Not William. Not even your own father." She said tauntingly, wearing her sinister smile.

"You think William will choose you over me? My boyfriend will choose you?" she laughed at her. "Don't be so naïve, silly girl!"

Machae felt like she just stabbed her with every word she uttered. She was so hurt that the girl she considered her best friend – her sister, her family would say something like that.

"Of course, sweetie. Why would I want to be with her?" William appeared behind Hexa wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Oh you poor girl, my girl Machae. Nobody wants you, Machae." A new voice joined in. Alex appeared next to Hexa with Kol beside him. Machae looked at them in surprise.

Kol looked at Alex. "Exactly, mate." He turned to Machae. "We're better off without you, darling."

" you don't mean that." Machae shook her head in denial, trying so hard to keep her tears at bay..

"I died because of you!" Alex shouted.

"I died and you did nothing!" Hexa shouted.

"You left me to die!" William shouted.

"I tried to save you! I did!" I desperately pleaded them.

OVERTHROWN QUEEN • N. MIKAELSON [2]Where stories live. Discover now