Chapter 17

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I was in the middle of carving a 'love' shape scar with my lovely vervain dagger on the eldest Salvatore's chest while he was stuck sitting on a beer keg holding a stake in his chest can after being compelled by Kol. After I was finished, I winked at him while he glared at me in return.


I looked at him. "Do you really think Damon would not screwed up or killed Jeremy with his poor skill of holding back? Even if he is dear Elena's brother?" I rhetorically asked as we both smirked knowing the obvious answer to that.

"Then are we really going after the hunter? With the risk of getting the hunter's mark?" he asked me.

"No, of course not. It's the cover up plan. The coach is our real target." I smirked.

"I know we are both too poor of holding ourselves back and risking killing the hunter with his still amateur skill. But you, darling has a gift to compel that vampire coach he has - ." I smiled at Kol to see him already grinning connecting the dots to my plan.

" - To kill the hunter." He finished. "Brilliant, darling."

Kol and I were bickering about who ate that last doughnut yesterday in which we swore to leave it so we could ate it today half-half when his phone rang. He answered his phone with a smirk after looking at its ID.

"Little brother. Just two days home, and I'm told you've already gone and made a mess with your sidekick." His voice rang through the phone.

Kol smiled looking at us. "Come on, Nik. We were only having some fun."

"Just like old times, bestieee" I sang as Kol laughed.

"Those vampires were for my hunter." Niklaus grumbled, annoyed. As usual.

"We'll make some more. There's no shortage of people." Kol said nonchalantly.

"Where's Damon Salvatore?" He asked.

"I gave him a good and proper beating just for old time's sake." Kol smirked looking at the staked guy as I watched them in amusement.

"Yes. Well, you've had your fun. Now let him go and come home. Avoid any more trouble, or you'll find yourself back in a box."

"Again with the dagger threat?" I snapped at the same time Kol said "Hey. No need to be nasty about it."

"Your threats are getting repetitive, Nik, to the point it gets boring." I mocked. "Try to be a little more creative, would you?" Damon, beside me, snickered, whereas Kol just burst out laughing. 

Niklaus ignored me as he continued. "On the contrary, I find nastiness to be essential whenever my siblings try to sabotage me. Listen closely, Kol. Stay away from the Gilbert boy. And you too Machae, if you know what's best for you. You two understand?"

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