Chapter 21

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I didn't know what hurt more. The pain from hours of torture or the pain of betrayal from your close one.

My breathing was ragged. It hurt me to even move an inch. My throat was rasped after hours of screaming in anger and pain. I just lied on the ground. Bloody and bruised.

3 hours ago...

I groaned feeling my sore neck. I was about to rub it when I felt my hands were tied. I forced opened my eyes to see I was in somewhat similar position like Damon Salvatore when Bekah tortured him.

The bear trap held me dangling mid-air, peeling open my skin, though it didn't benefit much for me since my feet were also shackled. With the stinging pain from the shackle, I could not even feel the coldness of the metal digging harshly into my bare flesh.

I wasn't given much time to fully registered my current condition when my senses kicked in alerting me of the incoming. My posture tensed on guard at the sound of several footsteps approaching.

"Consider your debt to Shadow Knight pack done." The voice said. The awfully familiar voice. One now I labelled with heavy betrayal.

The door opened to reveal the one responsible for my kidnapping with a couple of unfamiliar men and women behind him. Though, I could sense they were all of the same kind, werewolf.

"Finally, the sleeping beauty awakes." He smiled sadistically.

I cast my deadly glare at him. "Why the fuck did you kidnap me, William?"

"Isn't it obvious?" He sassed. "I hate you, Machae."

I scoffed. "You had the chance to kill me. Twice. Yet here I am, still bloody breathing."

"Are you questioning my generosity to spare you?"

"I'm questioning your intention towards me. Your will to have me suffer has been made obviously clear," I rolled my eyes, flashes of the night he attacked me clouded my brain. Thinking of the length he went through just to have me tormented. "but something is holding you back."

"You have other plan for me than death." I stated quite confident.

"Well... not exactly." He rolled his eyes. "But fine. You caught me. There is another reason on why I held you here." He raised his hands in mock surrender. "Regardless, I do hate you." He snickered.

No shit. I resisted my urge to roll my eyes again.

Luckily he continued before I snapped something worse.

"After I knew you were alive rescued by that bloody Original-" he began but I cut him off. "Mind your tone." I snapped. He ignored me as he continued. "-I dived through everything to do with that night."

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