Chapter 14

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A six-year-old Machae was sitting on her bed alone just staring at nothing being awfully quiet. It was not uncommon that the dark hair girl did not speak much but this time it was different.

She saw her father killed yet another man in front of her eyes. Her scream echoed involuntarily as the other members of her father's illegal organization looked at her in distaste. In result, her father had again beat her up to toughen her, to make her stronger he said.

She wasn't allowed to cry. She never was. Her father said crying showed weakness and no child of his was weak. Although her cried echoed the whole house for the first few beat but she got used to it and held back her scream and tears as the beat went on. And soon enough, the beatings ended. It was always like that. She made a mistake, her father beat her until she was calm and strong, until she was toughened up then she would go into her room and numb herself.

The door to her bedroom creaked opened. The little dark hair girl took no notice. Her father walked towards his little girl and sat down next to her on her bed. He turned her body towards him and tended the wounds from his beating. The little girl just sat there and let her father did it. Knowing this was not the first time and her father knew what he was doing.

After finishing the wounds, her father sighed and looked at the little girl in front of him. Eyes full of guilt and pain. He wrapped his arms around the little girl hugging her careful enough not to hurt her further.

"прости, моя маленькая девочка. [I'm sorry, my little girl.]" Her father whispered.

"все нормально, отец. я знаю, что ты хочешь сделать меня сильным. [It's ok, father. I know you want to make me strong.]" The little girl whispered back in his embrace.

Hearing her saying that clenched his heart at her innocence and let a lone tear escaped him. He hated to do that to his daughter, but he had no choice. He had to make her strong in the world they lived in. He lived in the line of danger every day for his business were illegal and anything could happen anytime anyday. And the only way he knew how to toughened up her daughter was how his own father used to do it to him.

It had been a year now that his wife ran away from him. He loved her dearly. But he hated her leaving him alone. Now often he would lash out to his daughter. He shouldn't have done that, but she reminded him so much of his wife.

Everything went blur abruptly and now a sixteen-year-old Machae was standing in front of the Redmayne's house with William Redmayne by her side.

"все будет хорошо, Чэ. теперь ты часть моей семьи. [It's going to be ok, Chae. You are part of my family now.]" He smiled down at the girl who just nodded numbly as she just lost her father.

The door opened and revealed the unexpected man. It was supposed to be William's father, Andrew Redmayne, but instead Hugh Fraser standing there cockily grinning down at the teenager.

While William was confused seeing an unfamiliar man inside his house, Machae panicked, eyes wide at the man in front of her.

"Извините, кто вы? Где мой отец? [Excuse me, who are you? Where's my father?]" William asked as Machae grabbed William's hand and hissed "Бегать [Run!]"

"My name is Hugh Fraser. I'm afraid your father is a bit preoccupied right now." The Fraser in a suit grinning maniacally at the two teenagers as he opened the door widely for them to see a werewolf was merciless endeavour the sweet taste of Andrew Redmayne's corpse.

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