Chapter 10

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Stefan and I arrived at the Grill looking for Rebekah. As soon as we found her, we rushed to her. Stefan and I came to the table. While he sat next to April, I sat next to Bekah.

"You won't remember any of this." He compelled the poor girl. He then turned to face Rebekah.

"Klaus wants us to fake peace with you, so you'll talk about the Five." Stefan told her.

"Yeah, I bet, but don't help him, he'll just betray you. It's what he does." She warned.

"A little too late, darling." I muttered under my breath.

"Alright, well, forget him. Help us instead." Stefan proposed.

"Why? You hate me more than he does. Well, not Machae." She said, turned to me. "Why did you agree to this again?" asked me.

"I thought I'm helping Kol. Then, he just told me it was his doing all along. So I'm kind of trapped now." I explained.

She then turned to Stefan. "Because I want to figure out what he's up to and plus I can give you the one thing he won't." he baited her.

"And what's that?" she challenged.

"A clean slate. I'm not saying that I'm willing to forgive you for what you did to Elena, but I'm willing to set it aside and start over." He answered.

I hummed internally. He was smarter than his brother. He might be known as the good brother but he could be quite manipulative if he wanted too.

"Why would you do that?" Bekah asked as she was already hooked in the bait he set for her without her even realizing it.

"Because, you're obviously not leaving town anytime soon and I'm just looking for a way we can all get along. Plus you can't be too happy wandering around school with no friends."

"Well, what if I don't care what you or anyone else thinks?" she tested him.

"Well, I'm pretty sure that you care what Matt, over there, thinks. So, maybe I can talk to him about a clean slate too." He said.

"Besides, Bekah darling. He may have tricked us into this. But we can also play his game." I added. "Why not make him our own pawn too?" I smirked knowing this was the last hook.

• • •

Nik was standing next to Connor who was still chained to the torture device. Connor groaned.

"You feeling alright, mate? Are the shackles too tight? Welcome home, sister." Nik greeted. He turned his head and looked at Rebekah, Stefan and I who entered the room.

"Is this a trick? How do you know he's one of the Five? Where's his bloody tattoo?" Bekah asked.

"Oh, the tattoos aren't visible on this lot like they were on the last. Let's eat." Nik easily answered. Nik walked out of the room as we all followed. Stefan, Rebekah, Nik and I were all sitting around a table.

Then, a pretty girl approached us serving us food. Nik eyed her as he said "Thank you, my lovely." He smirked at me, clearly wanted to see some reaction of me. Jealousy preferably. But I knew better. I remained emotionless. The girl walked off as he sighed.

 The girl walked off as he sighed

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