Chapter 25

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The morning came by quickly. Quicker than I thought as I was still on my bed sleeping peacefully until my phone vibrated non-stop waking me up.

Thank the Lord, I had no more nightmare since I ...died. I guess the spell broke the moment I left the land of living. But still...

I groaned out loud. It was too morning.

Checking the caller ID, I sighed and rolled my eyes when I saw the name 'N.M'.

"Damn it, Niklaus! It's bloody 6!" I snapped groggily, my voice was still hoarse.

"Good morning to you too, love." Nik chuckled.

"What do you want?" I sighed, getting off the bed since now I was fully awake.

"What makes you think I have an agenda? I just want to talk to you, love."

"Well, I don't. There's nothing to talk about." I said icily.

"Love, we can't keep doing this."

"Yes, we can and stop calling me that. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a kingdom mess to fix, an intruder to destroy and a text from a Salvatore should be arriving" Just then my phone vibrated, alerted me of a new message received.

It was from Damon.

'It's done.'

I hummed in satisfaction. "That sounds like a satisfied hum, love."

"Of course. Everything falls just as planned." I said smirking.

"You know you don't have to use Damon for your plan. I can –"

"I don't want you in my plan whatsoever. I don't need your help. Now since you woke me up, might as well start the day. Bye." I said, ending the call.

I sighed. Such an unexpected and unwanted phone call.

By the time I finished getting ready, Dan and Theo were already in the meeting room. now we just had to wait for Thea and Nate.

We greeted each other and just waiting for the others to arrive.

Dan and Theo looked at each other, like they were having a silent conversation before Theo spoke up.

"Mac, I know you just arrived yesterday and with all these bombshells you just dropped yesterday must be hard. I mean Kol was the closest to you – "

"I'm fine." I snapped.

Fuck. I didn't mean to.

"God! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you, T." I looked at Theo apologetic.

Dan turned to me before placing his hand on my shoulder. "What he meant to say is we are here for you to grieve properly."

"Grieve properly?" I asked confused.

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