Chapter 5

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It was Saturday afternoon that Kol approached me with such a distraught face. A month had passed since the war. Everything was going smoothly. Elijah and Rebekah had gone a week ago. While Kol stayed here with me. Nik and I hadn't stopped our phone calls. I felt like we were getting closer and closer. Not just as someone I fancy. But also my best friend.

It had been a fun times torturing Marcus, but I let the boys had fun with him. We had funeral for our fallen ones. We kept their ashes in our 'tomb building', the Fallen Crypt. Thea went back to the Croft continuing earning their trust – though I felt like this was taking longer than I expected – and we let George go to them for him to share his wonderful time with us. All went good except for the tiny feeling I had that Nate was acting weirdly around me. However, I didn't put that much into thoughts.

The nightmares still haunted me every night. I had become adjusted with it. Don't get me wrong, I still woke up with racing heart and maybe sore throat from my screaming but at least it was not always ended up with me sweating or trashing falling out of the bed.

It was always the same ending. I couldn't save William from the werewolf. I dreamt about Hexa and Alex, sometimes my father as well, but not as often as William. Why? I had no clue. The guilt, regret and whatever feelings I buried deep down for centuries began creeping slowly to the surface. But I'd be damn before I let anyone saw that.

"Damn her!" Kol grumbled taking a chair beside me snapping me out of daze as I stared at the beautiful view from my porch.

"What is it, darling?" I asked sipping my tea turning my attention to the lovely landscape of Edinburgh city to him.

We were sitting in my porch as we usually enjoyed our afternoon tea when he had a phone call.

"Aria Yorkton, the witch I owe before I met you, called me to ask for it." He groaned.

"What does she want?"

"She has a vampire hunter problem, darling." He sighed.

"And she called you? A vampire to solve a vampire hunter problem?" I looked at him like he spoke a foreign language.

"That's what I'd been trying to say before she dared to hung up on me." he groaned dragging his hand across his face. "She reasoned I had managed to escape my father, the father of all vampire hunter, for a millennium. And that she was really desperate."

I scoffed. "The hell with her, Kol! You are a vampire for fuck sake!" What was wrong with him? Suddenly planning to jump himself into a lion's den?

"You think I have a choice, M? I owed her and since she placed some sort of a spell on me as a safe plan I can't just ran out of it." He gestured his hand 'away' and gripped his hair messy in frustration. "Come with me, M. I can't do this without you." He stood up.

I frowned at him and sighed. "You know I can't just leave my kingdom again at this time, Kol." I said softly.

"What happened to be my partner in crime, darling?" he asked coldly glaring at me.

I got up and was about to calm him down tried to reason with him when he dropped the bomb. "Bet if Nik asked you would've become his little bitch in an instant." He said icily.

I stared at him shocked. Did he just say what he said?

Anger bubbled inside me directed straight at him. I punched his face hard sending him tumbling to the ground.

"I rejected his offer multiple times there just to spend time with you. I stayed in that forsaken pathetic miserable excuse of a town just to make sure you are safe even when it breaks the record of the event that almost got me killed in a span of a week." I glared daggers at him.

OVERTHROWN QUEEN • N. MIKAELSON [2]Where stories live. Discover now