Chapter 6

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That damn smirk! The bloody smirk that ran in the bloody family and it was even sexier with him!

"Dan, take Theo back to the castle and get men to clean up the mess." I ordered still holding him in place not taking my eyes off him as his smirk got wider.

"But Ma – " I cut Dan off. "It's fine I can handle him." I said as they both rushed out of the destroyed bar.

I released my hold on him as we were now alone. My eyes travelled through the room and the bar and turned to him raising my eyebrows. "You just have to destroy the entire bar and leave piles of bodies for us to clean up?" crossing my arms in front of my chest, giving him a look.

He chuckled and walked towards me. "Well what can I say, love? They are pissing me off. No soul is lost. I guarantee you." He said walking to the exit.

I rolled my eyes and followed him outside and stood beside him as he watched the street.

"Why are you here, Nik?" asked him turning my attention to him.

"I did say I miss you, didn't I?" he smirked down at me but something about that smirk told me he had another reason.

We didn't communicate for the last week and suddenly he just showed up here without any warning attacking my vampires in my city? Way too odd.

"Oh really? Why didn't you tell me you came?"

"Oh really? Why didn't you tell me you came?"

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"I wanted to surprise you, of course love." He smiled way too fake for my liking. I internally facepalmed. This guy definitely had plan.

I sighed. "Fine, be that way. Talk to me when you are ready to tell me the real reason you came." I said as he smirked somehow triumphantly.

"Since you destroyed the bar, scaring visitors and almost breaking one of my sacred rules, I believe you owe me." This time I smiled innocently.

He rolled his eyes. "Oh my apology, I didn't notice. Hmm what do I have to do to repay you, milady?" he sassed.

"Be my date for tomorrow's ball."

• • •

"You know if you so much want to be my date, all you have to do is ask, love." He said smirking. He had been teasing me endlessly on our way back to the castle. I rolled my eyes. "Well I usually have someone stand by, but it had been quite busy weeks. Didn't really have the time."

"Fancy a tour?" I smiled as we arrived at the castle.

"From the Queen herself. Sure. Why not?" he faked a surprised expression and smiled back as his eyes wandered around the entrance gate. I rolled my eyes but had a smile on my face.

We entered the throne room and I was about to tell him some stories when Thea walked up to us. "Why are you here?" asked confusedly.

"They told me to get ready myself and picked me up tomorrow." She said then she turned her attention to Nik beside me. "Bloody hell! You're the guy in her wallpaper! The painter!" she exclaimed as I glared dagger at her. I could feel him smirking amused even when I had my eyes trained at the potentially soon tongueless Thea.

OVERTHROWN QUEEN • N. MIKAELSON [2]Where stories live. Discover now