Chapter 2

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"Putting his daylight ring in a box inside the trash can leaving for us to find it." I chuckled finding it ironic at his attempt to taunt me. "What are you aiming for, Marcus?"

He chuckled. "Nothing of course. Just a mere warning." He smiled innocently at me yet there was nothing innocent behind his words.

"I am sure you are informed of my ... generous offer for you to surrender our land back to us while you were... preoccupied elsewhere." He said walking closer to me.

"I'm not. I am informed you give me 2 weeks to negotiate to share some of my land with you." I said just as fiercely.

"Well that was because you weren't here. Now that you are, we can talk business." I knew what he meant by business. Let's just say deaths were inevitable no matter from which side.

"There is no business, Abernathy. Leave before you make choices you regret." I warned.

"You prefer me taking it all by myself? How about I start from the very centre of the mother city itself? I am certain my people are itching to get our hands on vampires. You know, a vampire's scream is like music to our ears." He smirked.

I was livid. My eyes flared with anger glaring daggers at him. If looks could kill, his body parts would already be scattered around shredded in my throne room. How dare he!

I sped to him and grabbed him by the throat. I could see his people behind him was ready to lunge at me defending their leader. But he raised his hand up stopping them.

"You broke into my home, attacking my people and now you are threatening me." I seethed.

I moved my hand to his cheek and grazed his cheek with my nail using my vampire force creating a nice little cut in it

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I moved my hand to his cheek and grazed his cheek with my nail using my vampire force creating a nice little cut in it. "Darling, don't mistake my... generosity of letting you walked out of my kingdom alive for me still having immense patience to deal with your smart mouth." I flashed him my fangs.

"Remember your very life is still in my mercy since decades ago and it will forever be that way." I hissed.

"Your life will be in mine once you meet your past." He hissed back smirking. My expression flattered for a second because of shocked. But that was enough for him to see he had hit the right nerve. "Oh they don't know, do they? This should be interesting." He whispered smirking.

My jaw clenched and I shoved him out from my hold. I stepped back "I am Machae, Vampire Queen of Edinburgh. You are in my home. Do not test my power and do not tempt my fury." I glared icily at the filthy man.

"Let Nathan go." I demanded.

"Gladly." He said smiling.

Him and the others turned around and made their way to the door but stopped at the very end. "Don't say I didn't warn you, Queen." He said smirking before walking out.

OVERTHROWN QUEEN • N. MIKAELSON [2]Where stories live. Discover now