Chapter 26

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The morning in Edinburgh Vampire Castle throne room came busy. Everybody was busy at their own sections preparing for their big day. Today the Queen had invited all supernatural – vampires, werewolves, etc except witches for obvious reason – in her city for their celebratory party after over a month succession of dealing with unjustified deaths of vampires all over the kingdom as well as the dealing with the mess the witches created on their land.

What the vampires didn't know was that this was more than just a celebration for their Queen had a special surprise for them.

Deep in the underground of the Playground, Machae stood there in front of Marcus Abernathy. The two were having a stare down, no guard was around for the Queen wished to have this conversation in private.

"Hello, Marcus." The Queen greeted.

The greeted man before her – bruised, hair dishevelled, cuts everywhere, he looked nothing like the witch leader Machae fought that day, in fact, he looked like Machae when she first escaped the underground a week ago, pale body was only skin and bones – nodded in greetings. "Machae."

"It's been a while since your last visit." He said with his scratchy voice.

"I know." she smiled. "I've been busy dealing with your son that you have purposely hide from me."

He smirked. "Everybody's gotta have a back-up plan."

Machae chuckled. "Dumb move on your part, Marcus."

"You know what you've got himself into by messing with me. Yet you still did it." she stepped closer to him. "If you a 300-year-old powerful witch can't defeat me, what makes you think a 19-year-old amateur witch can?"

"He can." He answered confidently, staring straight into her eyes. She got to admit he wasn't afraid to show his faith in the boy.


"Because he is so much more than me."

"You mean he is more like me?" Machae smirked. "I know his history and reputation in your coven, Marcus." She made a 'tsk' sound. "Such a rebel. Manipulative, scheming, violent?" she smirked, seeing the look on Marcus' face.

Marcus just looked away for a moment before responded to her. "He will take you down."

Machae just smiled at the witch. "Maybe, maybe not. We'll see later." She smirked devilishly.

"I know of your son's plan to attack today. I know he's bringing witches into the castle infiltrating my celebration." She said to him. The shock on his face was evidently clear. He didn't expect her to know this information. Machae thanked Damon internally.

"While I want nothing more than to crush him into nothing, I am not a fan to harm a boy. After I have tormented him all this time to torture people of your own – poor boy for every attempt he made to cause even a minuscule problem for me I would do it worse for him – and him drifting my Counts away from me, today I will give him a choice whether to make it all worth it." She walked around explaining to him of her plan while making hand gestures as she talked and stopped right in front the witch.

OVERTHROWN QUEEN • N. MIKAELSON [2]Where stories live. Discover now