Chapter 15

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The next morning came quickly in the silence of the Clinton's household, Clinton who was just awake walked to the kitchen to grab some water and stopped dead in his tracks surprised by the sight of the living room.

There lied his boss, Machae, lying with the hybrid man he knew as Niklaus sleeping peacefully. He smiled at the sight. He knew both of them cared each other so deeply despite their usual banter and fight occasionally and he could even see the love they held for each other.

Clinton might had been compelled to follow Machae's order but after living with the lady for the past week. He realized underneath that cold and mean exterior, Machae was actually a good person. She didn't treat him badly. She could if she wanted to. Sure, she was mean but there were occasional moments where he could see the caring protective woman she was. He saw it with her friends in Edinburgh and he definitely saw it multiple times with Niklaus.

After grabbing his glass of water, he went back to his room. Unaware that he unintentionally had woken up the two vampires.

• • •

"Take a picture it'll last longer." I joked still closing my eyes refused to be awake yet.

"I can't help it you're beautiful." Nik said with his sexy raspy morning voice. While I couldn't hold a small smile as it formed on my face.

"Fucking sweet talker." I muttered opening my eyes to see him laughing.

I admired the sight before me. His opened laugh, those cute dimples, the way his eyes glint with humour.

"Now you're staring, love." He teased smiling at me. "I know I'm the best looking Mikaelson."

I rolled my eyes. "You're flattering yourself too much."

He didn't reply me back instead I felt his lips on mine. He gave me a soft short kiss before getting up, making a small smile on my face.

He helped me get up and we both walked to the kitchen. I stopped midway realizing something.

"I didn't have nightmares." I muttered.

And I think I knew why... as I saw the answer right in front of my eyes staring at me in confusion.

Every time I slept with him...not necessarily in that way... I didn't have nightmare. I slept peacefully.

I stared at him in shock. How did he do it?

I shook my head dismissing the idea. There must be a logical explanation behind this. Maybe even a coincidence.


I cooked breakfast for the three of us. We ate together with Clinton being Clinton, saying Nik wore the clothes better than him so he should just keep it. In which Nik laughed in response.

It felt normal for a moment before Nik said he had to leave. Took care his business now that his hybrids were gone. I nodded and told him I would join him after I was done with my own errands.

Now we were on my front porch standing there.

"I'll clean your clothes and give it back to you tomorrow." I told him.

"No need. Just burn them."

I shot him a look. "Seriously?" I deadpanned.

"At least I'm keeping the tux. It's Burberry." He rolled his eyes at me and walked towards me.

He pulled me into his arms and hugged me. "Thank you." He whispered in my ear.

I smiled and nodded even though he couldn't see. "Anytime." I whispered back.

OVERTHROWN QUEEN • N. MIKAELSON [2]Where stories live. Discover now