Chapter 3

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The Nights

Eloise POV

"Hey E, you coming out tonight with us? Concerts gonna be awesome!" She looked up from her computer at the library, "Wouldn't miss it." She smiled at Theo, who was staring at her, "Wow E, you've got a great smile, I'd love to see it more often." He flirted, she rolled her eyes, going back to what she called her RBF, resting bitch face, it usually convinced men to leave her alone eventually.  Theo is gonna be a problem and mentally she made a note not to drink tonight or accept any drinks from Theo tonight. "So what are you working on again?" "Its just some Norse artwork, it's just fascinating how they used their art to tell stories." She closed her computer, clearly he wasn't going to let her work anymore. "How about you let me buy you dinner first? Before we go to the concert that is." She sighed definitely a problem "No. I have to go home. I'll meet you there." She quickly left before he tried to follow her home.

What a shame, she'd liked him, he was a perpetual student like her and she had liked his humor and he hadn't bothered her till starting a week ago. And now typical, he won't leave her alone. She just wanted a friend. Why? You know you'll just end up alone. She shook herself, tonight was gonna be fun, she enjoyed going to concerts, she pepped herself up, she changed out of her day wear into jeans, her grey silk and lace tank top and her black converse, she let her hair down and shook out her mass of curls before adding just a touch of make up.

"Theo!" She waved at him as he wove thru the crowds around her, as lights flashed against his ash blonde hair  and his gray eyes caught hers and he flashed a ready smile at her, "E!" He pulled her into a hug, which she quickly disengaged from, "This is awesome!" He yelled, "I KNOW!" She answered back turning back to the stage and started dancing and singing with the music, Theo tried several times to pull her into dancing with him, but she quickly danced out his reach and finally after 3 times he seemed to get the message and didn't try again. What she didn't see was the dark haired man leaning against the far wall watching her dancing.

After the concert was over, he insisted on walking her out, "E it's after midnight. I'm walking you home." She rolled her eyes but started walking. Theo cleared his throat, "So I've been wanting to talk to you about something.  I think you are great, I mean you are stunning-" "Its just a face." She tried to interrupt him, knowing where this was headed. "And smart, I mean who has their masters by 22? And I'd like to date you." She sighed, "Theo I told you and I know you've seen me run guys off before. I don't date, I don't do relationships." "If it's timing or not wanting to rush, we can go slow-" he tried to argue with her. "No," she snapped, loosing her patience,  she was tired and ready to go home and not in the mood to let Theo down easy, "Its not that. It's I don't do close relationships because I don't care for others like they care for me. If you cannot handle just being friends then we don't have to be anything." "E, have you ever even tried?" "Well not exactly-" "So how do you know?! I could be so good to you." "I don't need anyone to be good to me, I don't want anyone!" Suddenly he shoved her against a wall, kissing her, shoving his tongue in her mouth, she bit him and shoved him back, "What the hell was that Theo?!" She took off walking away from him when he yanked her into an alley way, and shoved her up against a wall so hard, her head slammed into the bricks, she couldn't breathe for a second, her head pounding,  "Listen up you bitch, fuck you for leading me on you slut, you're all the same, all you do is tease, and then you say no. Well maybe this time I'm saying yes." He put his hand against her throat and began to squeeze, as his hand reached into the front of her jeans, when the pressure from her throat was suddenly gone. She collapsed on the ground, coughing and trying to get a deep breathe when suddenly she was in someone's arms.

"Are you alright?" A quiet musical voice asked her, she focused on the face, the other man from the coffee shop, "I think so." She gasped, his ice blue eyes bore into hers, "Or at least I will be in a few days." "He didn't-?" "No, you stopped him. Thank you by the way." He paused looking confused, "You-u're welcome." He stammered, seeming uneasy with her thanks, "Where are we going?" She realized he was walking with a purpose somewhere. "To my vehicle, then to some doctors I know. I'd like to make sure you are ok." "No thanks," she started struggling and he stopped to sit her down, she leaned up against a low wall, keeping her balance,  "I'm sure it's just bruising but I need to go to a hospital so I can report what he did so he can be charged."

"Ah that does present a problem. You see I believe I snapped his neck." Her eyes flew open, as he looked at her smiling slightly maniacally, "You what?" He simply said, "He is dead." She pinched the bridge of her nose trying to alleviate a growing headache,, "Well hell." He picked her up again with surprising speed, being unexpectedly gentle with handling her as he walked to a big black SUV on the other side of the street, "So I guess you are coming with me." "So you are gonna add kidnapping to murder?" She tentatively teased him, her head was beginning to ache something awful from the spot that had hit the wall. "Midgard laws mean nothing to me." He replied seriously, "I mean recently I have killed as many as 80 people in 2 days." A chill ran down her back, as he placed her in the backseat of the SUV and got in next to her.

"I'd like to go home now." She said quietly hours later, some doctor had been by and had agreed with her, that she was only bruised. "I'm sure you would but very soon, your home will be gone as will most of that area." She stared at the dark haired stranger, she'd finally gotten a good look at him, he was wearing some strange combination of green and black leather, with gold armor and he held a weird gold septer, his blue eyes locked on hers. "Does that frighten you?" He asked softly, she took a moment to take a breath, "I'm guessing that cause of you, isn't it? That something bad is going to happen?" She whispered, feeling a bit like she was trapped in a room with a dangerous animal and if she said or did the wrong thing it would set him off. "Why?" She tentatively asked.

He chuckled, "I am a God, I deserve a throne. I was born to be King." Okay, so I guess my rescuer is crazy.  She considered trying to just walk out, if this guy even let her, certainly all the people out there would stop her, where ever there was, he had insisting on covering her eyes once they started driving. Attacked by one creep only to get grabbed by a kidnapper. Figures.  He chuckled to himself, "Something funny?" She asked, "Fate has a sense of irony. That's all." He commented keeping his thoughts to himself. 

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