Chapter 79

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Michelle Williams

Loki POV

With a start his eyes opened to see the ceiling of his room with Thor anxiously standing over him.

"Don't rise just yet, allow yourself adjust. You have been unconscious for three days."

Eir moved next to him and raised a glass of water to his lips, the cool water refreshing as he slowly sipped.

A soft noise drew his attention to his side where he realized, he wasn't alone.

He rolled towards Eloise, she was breathing softly next to him, her warmth radiating beside him, she still looked too pale, there were deep purple rings under her eyes.

"She's stable my prince, the poison made it very close to stopping her heart, she is slowly recovering though and I am confident she will regain consciousness within a few days."

Thor frowned at Eir, "But in order to save her she had to eat the apple, she should have been fine immediately."

Eir looked at Loki, her eyebrow raised at him.

"Thats not what happened."

"My prince, the late queen confided in me and I believe it is safe to confide in your brother but I would allow it to go no further than this room, the details of her healing."

Loki sat up slowly, his head spinning slightly.

They had been moved back into their chambers, "I thought I would be better for her to wake somewhere she is familiar and comfortable with, rather than the healing ward, it is rather over run and loud right now. Odin has ordered me to stay here to care directly for the both of you."

Thor got up and went to the door speaking quietly to someone just outside before he came back and helped Loki stand, "Come brother, it is time we cared for you, Eir has Lady Eloise well in hand and she can fetch us if something changes."

Thor made him eat and bathe, filling him in on what had occured in the past three days, which was surprisingly little, while he in turn told him about their soul bound and what it meant, before Thor would allow him to come back in, Eir stood next to Eloise, her body encased in a soft blue light emanating from Eir's hands, "I am simply caring for her body's needs my prince."

Loki nodded, exhausted he crawled up the bed, sitting next to Eloise's head and stroked her hair, he couldn't help the tears that fell from his face as he looked at her trying to reconcile himself to the frail young woman who lay next to him.

Eir worked silently, finally lifting her hand, her arm was discolored still.

"Will it heal?"

"So far none of my healing have helped my prince. But it may, with time."

He only looked up when Eir finished her spell and sat down in one of the chairs next to the bed.

"My prince?"

Her voice was soft, and full of concern and hope.

"I wish to speak to you about what she may experience when she wakes. I have had more time to study the poison Siygn designed. It is a brutal combination of several venoms and poison that when twisted with dark magic, I would not wish what is happening to her on my worst enemy. It was designed to kill even the most powerful of Gods.When she does wake, she is very likely to be confused and she maybe in pain. Try to be soft and gentle with her."

He stroked her face, looking for any sign she could feel him.

"Eir, do you know when she will wake?"

"I believe it maybe soon, with in days, maybe a week, her brain has been showing more signs of being aware, speak to her, I believe she can hear us, give her something to anchor her reality to."

Eloise POV

Inside Eloise was screaming.

She couldn't understand what was happening, everything was so heavy her body hurt, burned was more like it, yet she couldn't move, scream, even twitch.

She wanted to cry, to do anything to release this pain, even the softest sheets underneath her was like laying on a bed of a thousand needles.

The only thing that distracted her was Loki's voice, it seemed like he was reading almost constantly to her.

Sometimes it was Shakespeare, sometimes it was books he read in Norse that she didn't understand, sometimes he seemed to raid her own books at random.

"I love your lips when they’re wet with wine
And red with a wild desire;
I love your eyes when the lovelight lies
Lit with a passionate fire.
I love your arms when the warm white flesh
Touches mine in a fond embrace;
I love your hair when the strands enmesh
Your kisses against my face.
Not for me the cold, calm kiss
Of a virgin’s bloodless love;
Not for me the saint’s white bliss,
Nor the heart of a spotless dove.
But give me the love that so freely gives
And laughs at the whole world’s blame,
With your body so young and warm in my arms,
It sets my poor heart aflame.
So kiss me sweet with your warm wet mouth,
Still fragrant with ruby wine,
And say with a fervor born of the South
That your body and soul are mine.
Clasp me close in your warm young arms,
While the pale stars shine above,
And we’ll live our whole young lives away
In the joys of a living love."

His voice soothed her and brought her comfort. 

She wanted so badly to smile, to open her eyes, but she couldn't, she felt the tiniest bit of moisture roll down the side of her face, and something cool wiped the tiny bead of moisture away.

"Eloise darling can you hear me? Eir!"

Loki's was the voice that was clearest to her but there were other voices too.

"She will wake soon brother, have faith."

"I agree, I believe she will wake soon."

I AM AWAKE! Please Loki, you have to hear me!

"Eloise, love? If you can hear me, I'm right here. You aren't alone."

She tried to settle the panicked feeling in her chest, and focus on his voice.

He softly talked to her for the rest of the evening, either reading to her, Shakespeare again, or he was telling her what he was doing.

"Darling, I wish you would wake up for me, you have no idea how much I miss you, actually you probably do, oh my sweet girl."

His voice sounded so tired, and she felt something cool lean against her shoulder.

Soon his heavy breathing filled the room, all she wanted to do was open her eyes, to not feel trapped by her own body any more.

Her eyes opened in time to see a flash of green light.

Warm breath blew directly in her face, with a start she scrambled out of bed, her entire body still feeling like it was still being pricked by a thousand sharp needles.

Whimpering she fell to the ground in the dark, pain shooting up her legs, "Eloise?!"

The lights flared in the room, and she slammed her eyes shut again as even the slightest light burned her eyes.

She heard something moving, silk sheets being pulled back, "Oh darling," something trailed across her skin, igniting the flames on her skin again and she barely stifled a scream.

"Loki back up," she recognized the calm reassuring voice of Eir, "I know you want to hold her but remember what I told you, one of the poisons is well known for leaving residual nerve pain if the victim survives, now go douse the lights all but the farthest I think.

The room darkened significantly, and she slowly lifted her head, and looked around to see Loki, and everything that had happened, all the pain, fear, and worry burst forth and she started sobbing.


I Love You

By Ella Wheeler Wilcox

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