Chapter 49

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Eloise POV

"Eloise! Girl! How are you?"

"I'm doing alright..."

"Don't you bullshit me, I can hear something is wrong in your voice. What happened?"

"I met a guy..."

"Why do I feel like a need an alibi cause I'm gonna need to get rid of a body? You know what! No, you need to get your butt here to tell me all about it, how much time can you take off work?"

"I am actually not working, I've just been kinda hanging out in London."

"Oh shit, I didn't even call you, are you OK? Did you get hurt in the battle of New York? Or maybe you got rescued by one of those hot Avengers?
Whew baby, Thor or Ironman can rescue me any day!"

Eloise shifted the phone stifling a giggle.

"It was fine, my apartment was trashed though. "

"Ahhhhh that's why you were in London! Don't you worry, I got you, I need a dance partner for some promos I'm shooting for a month and I have a huge house so don't even think about renting a hotel room!"

"Alright, just tell me where I am headed?"

"Rouge River, Oregon."

"Jesus Christ, Ryan, that's on the otherside of the world."

"Bitch you love traveling. Text me when you will be here."

"See you soon."

She got off the phone almost laughing for the first time in weeks.

She grabbed her laptop and booked her flight and grabbed her bag and started filling it, she had only 4 hours till her flight left.

It was bitterly cold when she landed in Portland after nearly two days of traveling, she pulled her leather jacket closer.

"First damned thing I'm doing is making that jerk buy me a damn winter coat." She grumbled to herself as she got into her rental car and cranked up the heat.

Four hours later she pulled into the parking lot and got out, the address Ryan had given her was halfway down the block.

The sky was overcast and looked like it threatened to snow at any moment.

She tucked her hands into her pockets and walked into the wind, her face down, when someone knocked into her, grabbing her shoulders to steady her before she could fall into the wintery slush that was all over the sidewalks.

"Are you alright?"

She had to lean her head back to look up at the man who had run into her.

"Yup I'm fine."

He had stormy blue eyes and tousled short red blond curls, there was something about him that gave her the strangest sense of deja vu, she frowned and looked closer at him as she tried to figure out what it was.

His clothes were nondescript, just a brown leather jacket, black hoodie, and black t-shirt, he had a faint tan with a smattering of freckles, and a british accent.

Perhaps she had seen him around London.

"Are you sure? Shall I walk you to where ever you are headed?"

"No, I'm fine, I'm meeting someone just down the street."

The stranger hadn't let go of her yet, but for once it didn't bother her.


A familiar voice made her break eye contact with the stranger who dropped his hands, "Doe!!! Get your ass over here girl!!!"

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