Chapter 25

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Loki POV

"Amora what are you doing here?"

His mood plummeted as he looked at the familiar figure draped in what would have normally been a very alluring pose to him.

"What? I can't come visit my favorite prince?"

Even her sultry tone of voice grated on his nerves now.

He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms, eyeing her, her long blond hair was fanned out across his pillows as she stretched out in one of his shirts, giving him a pout.

"We both know what you are here for."

He stayed put, keeping his eyes off of her.

"So why don't you come give it to me?"

Suddenly his shirt hit him in the face.

"Amora, get dressed. I am not interested right now."

"You've never not been interested before."

Her dress was draped over the bag of his desk chair and he tossed in her direction, trying to keep his mind on Eloise and the kiss they had just shared.

He heard her slip on her dress before he turned to face her, when he heard her take a drink out of a bottle.

"Come at least share a drink with me," she held the bottle out to him, "like old friends and we can catch up, we haven't seen each other in over a decade."

He took the bottle in his hands, one drink won't hurt.

Hours later...

"And that time that you turned Thor into a frog,"

Amora was hanging on him as they laughed together, his head was swimming and suddenly Amora was on him, lips mashed to his unpleasantly.

Legs straddled him, as she pulled his face into her breasts.

"Oh Loki, yes, yes, yes, YES!" Amora cried out as she tried to start pulling at his pants.

He gripped her arms, pulling her off of him.

"Amora! I said I'm not interested." Disgusted, he threw her off of him and strode into his bathroom, "If you know what's good for you, you will be gone by the time I get out of here."

By the time he was ready he had pushed Amora from his mind, his thoughts only on Eloise.

He leaned against her door and knocked.

No sounds came from within her room, she must have already gone down.

Thor was seated alone, slowly mulling over his breakfast till he met Loki's gaze and raised his arm in greeting.

"Loki. Is there a reason my bedding a is all green this morning?" Thor greeted him in an abominably loud voice as he looked around for the familiar head of brown curls.

"Yes you oaf, to remind you that Eloise and I are not your babysitters and next time you sleep where you fall."

He started to pull out his chair, still looking around.

"Speaking of which where is she?"

Thor's question unsettled him, it was unusual that one of them wouldn't have seen her.

"Has she not come down?"

"No I've not seen her this morn."

"Perhaps she is still abed."

Loki vanished on the spot, an unfamiliar feeling of worry settling into his stomach.


He knocked slightly louder before opening the door, expecting to see her serenely nestled in her bed where he had left her.

The bed covers were thrown back but there was no sign of her.

On his way back down to the Great Hall, he checked his library and several gardens, each time expecting to turn the corner and there she would be with a smile.

Fandral and Hogun had joined Thor at breakfast by the time he had returned.

"She is not in her room and I cannot seem to find her."

"I will help you look." Thor stood up and brushed himself off. "We will find her, she is one tiny human, how much trouble can see get into?"

"Thats what I'm afraid of. She attracts trouble."

Fandral stood up too, "I promised Sif I would assist her today, I will look out for her on my way to the training grounds."

Loki spent the next few hours, looking all around, lastly checking with Frigga.

He strode into her room agitatedly, looking around.

"My son what has you so upset?"

She tends touched his face, looking concerned.

"Eloise, I have been looking for her all morning and no one seems to have even seen her."

Flustered, he threw himself into a chair.

Frigga gave him a knowing smile, "And why son would you be in such perturbed mood about not knowing where she is?"

How does she know? Loki struggled to control his expression, to keep from admitting what he did not even want to admit to himself.

"I am your mother dear," Frigga joined him, siting on the chair next to him, grasping his hand tenderly, "I have eyes and I also see with more than just them. What happened? "

"Nothing... and everything."

Loki put his head in his hands.

"We kissed."

He thought about their kiss and what it would be like for her to be his when his all too familiar self loathing surfaced.

"She is too good for me. I am a monster, outside and inside."

"You are not a monster-"

Anger surged thru him, jumping to his feet he flushed blue, turning into his true self, Frigga flinched before her features smoothed themselves.

"Even my own mother flinched at the sight of the monster." He mocked before leaving Frigga's rooms.

He shifted his appearance back before anyone could see him, dismayed he headed back to his own rooms.

He threw himself down on to his bed and fell into a fitfull sleep full of red eyes and torture.

"Loki?" Something shook him hard, "Brother?" Thor's voice echoed concern and worry, making him open his eyes, Thor was standing over him his hand on his shoulder. 

"What do you want?" He snarled pulling away from Thor.

"I came to let you know Lady Eloise is safe. I have been with her most of the day."

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