Chapter 8

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Loki POV

Loki sprawled out across his chair, trying to even entertain the idea of reading the book in his hand.

He'd read the same line over and over and it wasn't even registering in his mind.

Bored, bored, bored, he glanced up surreptitiously at the other cells, when he heard several footfalls approaching, when a Einherjar came into sight followed by Frigga and the little mortal.

His head gave a throb as his eyes lingered on her, "Son."

He set the book down not caring if his place was lost, getting to his feet he placed his hands behind his back, pacing around his cell.


"How are you fairing?" She smile genially at him, her eyes warm, she doesn't care, the sinister voice in his head hissed.

"Why do you pretend to care?"

He sullenly replied listening to the malevolent voice.

"Why do you pretend you don't?"

Her eyebrow raised with a slight smile.

"Are the titles not to your liking?"

He watched her glance at the books behind him unread, he ignored her question, choosing instead to saunter over to the other wall of his cell to look at the mortal, she was standing in the middle of the corridor looking around with mild interest at the other prisioners.

"Have you never seen a dark elf?" He sneered at her, she cocked her head to the side as if she was trying to puzzle out a question. 

"I haven't actually," she moved closer to him, her beign expression was infuriating him.

"What are you looking at you mewling quim?"

He heard Frigga gasp and start to scold him when Eloise burst out laughing, the voice in his head hissed at the sound making his head pound briefly, when he looked back up at her she was wiping away a tear as her laughter slowed.

"Using our big boy words today are we? I have one for you too, absquatulate."

She turned with a swish of her skirts and turned and left the way she came.

He hung his head, part of him had hoped she'd stay and talk to him, he was desperately bored and she presented him with a puzzle and she seemed quick witted given that she not only understood his insult and the word she'd used, absquatulate, to leave without saying goodbye, mentally he allowed himself to laugh over that one, but part of him or rather not part of him the sinister voice in his head that never let up ever since his time with Thanos.

He let out an unconscious shutter, wanted to use her, break her, and use her to escape and to go back and finish what he had started.

Loki had become so muddled in his own mind he'd forgotten Frigga standing watching his face and body language ever changing to match the thoughts racing thru his head.


Frigga's voice barely called him from his thoughts, "I'll return in a few days, perhaps then you will be in a better frame of mind to talk."

Eloise POV

Mewling quim? Is he really calling me a cunt in front of his mom?

She tried to control her laughter, as she glanced over at Frigga behind him, she looked absolutely aghast at Loki's words, while he looked absolutely manic as he spoke to her.

She had tried to keep her expression neutral till she saw Frigga's expression and then she lost it.

She doubled over in laughter, he was being absolutely ridiculous. 

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