Chapter 74

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Running Out of Time
Bear McCreary

Eloise POV

Drumming her fingers she tried not to be impatient waiting on Thor, he was saying his good byes to Jane before they had to make their plane to Skien Airport and then on to Norway.

She'd spent the last week arranging everything, she had met with her lawyer and arranged to have him sell her house in London and her apartment in New York City, while arranging care for her finances in the event she ever returned to Midgard.

He also arranged for fake documents for Thor so he would be able to fly with her.

Afterwards she had packed up her few personal items placing them in storage, then she just had to wait for Thor.

She took a brief look around her house.

It was empty of all personal effects, all that was left was a few piece of furniture she was selling with the house.

A small part of her wished Loki had gotten to spend some time with her here, she thought he would have liked London.

She was so lost in her thoughts and musings about what it might have been like to have Loki there that she completely missed Thors entrance till he softly wiped the tear that was trailing down her face.


She jumped back her heart pounding out of her chest.

"I am sorry, I thought you heard me."

"You scared me. Sorry for yelling."

She picked up her bag, she had packed everything she thought they might need, she had even found a fantasy shop that had some clothes that were close enough to what was normal wear in Asgard, so she could blend in once they got there, nothing would spread rumors of their return faster than Thor wandering around with a human in skinny jeans and converses.

A honk outside alerted them that the taxi was outside.

Thor followed her, letting her take the lead on getting them to Norway.

No one even gave him a second look till they were at security at the airport and the only carry on he had was an umbrella that she realized was Mjölnir.

In shock she watched him sit in the plastic tub and watched the guard push it thru the xray machine.

As soon as they were out of ear shot in front of their gate she couldn't help but ask him excitedly.

"So I gotta ask, if that security guard had tried to pick up Mjölnir he wouldn't have been able to?"

"That is correct."

"But yet it was in the tub and he could slide it... is the tub worthy?"

Thor put his head in his hands and groaned, before he leaned back in the all too small airport chair.

"Little sister..."

"Ok ok," She waved him off trying not to laugh, "I'm just saying I dunno how I feel about being considered worthy as a tray at the airport," she held her straight face as long as she could before she dissolved into giggles.

"You know sometime I think you might be worst than Loki."

"Ouch that hurt."

Their flight was announced over the loud speaker, they both got to their feet and quickly boarded the plane.

Fortunately, or unfortunately it was a smaller flight so they were seated in the two seats by the window, still Eloise was squished next to Thor's bulk as he excited looked out the window.

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