Chapter 71

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Lose You Now
Lindsey Stirling & Mako

Eloise POV

Her eyes struggled to open, her mind fighting against the heavy feeling.


Thor's face became clearer as her vision focused, his eyes were rimmed red and he looked exhausted.

She tried to swallow, her mouth was extremely dry, Thor put a glass of water to her lips.

"What happened?"

"Whats the last thing you remember?"

His words were careful, slowly she thought back, remembering the terrifying creatures on the road when she was trying to get home.

"There were these creatures... in the road..." Her memory was very fuzzy, "I was walking next to Amista, and they came... out of no where. One said his name was Malekith..."

Thor made a rude noise, if she had to guess were a bunch of obscenities in old Norse.

Slowly she pushed into a sitting position, Thor was kneeling on the ground next to a couch, rapidly she looked around taking in the open apartment and the London sky line she could see in the windows beyond the kitchen.

"Thor, why are we in London?"

Thor's eyes filled with tears again, "Little sister, you are in the apartment of Jane Foster, I brought you here after... after you were taken... much has occured. Jane found the aether, an infinity stone and it possessed her, that is why Malekith took you, as an extra bargaining chip for us to bring Jane, so he could extract the aether. Loki and I took her to Svartalfheim, with a plan to get you back. But it went wrong, Malekith got the aether and Loki..."

Thor looked down, unwilling to meet her eyes, tears spilling from his own.

She felt like she was going to vomit as his words started to sink in.

"Thor... tell me he is going to be ok?"

Her hands started to shake, Thor laid his head on her knees, "Thor, tell me he's fine, that he is going to be fine."

She buried her head in her hands, neither of them saw the brief flash of green light from her hands.

"He died on Svartalfheim, defending me."

Bile rose to her throat, "I'm going to be sick."

Thor pulled back just enough for her to get up, she ran for the sink, making it just in time, her stomach voiding its self.

Again and again she heaved, after a few moments she felt Thor pull her hair back for her.

Wearily she leaned the counter top.

"It can't be true."

Thor tried to soothingly rub her back as she trembled, shaking from the violence of her stomach and her emotions.

"I need to see his body Thor."

Her legs gave out and she sank on to the floor.

Thor picked her up and brought her outside, she closed her eyes leaning again his chest, trying to push away the icy dread that had sunk into the very core of her body.

She kept her eyes shut thru Thor calling for Heimdall, traveling on the bifrost, and Thor taking her to the healing ward.

Only when he'd laid her on a bed in a quiet room and Eir joined them to examine her, did she open her eyes.


His lost blue eyes met hers and he nodded, "I must inform the Allfather."

Even as he left she could already hear the thunder outside.

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